It turned out to be a very unpleasant evening. The shit was great but the environment got all fucked up and I had a shitty time. Worse time I've had in 100 + trips. Put a bitter fucking taste in my mouth.
My last trip on window pane {King Tut} was 35 years ago when I was getting out of the Navy. All my mates were going out, but I was too high, so one of them had to stay to look after me. The first few hours my buddy Chuck was with me, and we had a great time. Then my roommate came back from the bar to stay with me. He was upset about his lady going out without him, and his mood crashed into my trip head on. I saw some really crazy shit, but I knew what was happening, so I didn't really wig out.
I did a lot of mushrooms when I got back home. Too many in fact. I did some damage to my kidney, and ended up having to stop drinking because of it. So it saved me a lot of seven dollars, which is what I was paying for a six pack of Saint Paulie's Girl.