Guerilla Growing... Join in!

Last year I accidentally pollinated my girls and ended up with some quantity seeds. While I plan on using some of them for this year's and future grows, I was trying to think of something to do with my surplus.. then about a week ago I saw an article about guerrilla gardening and seed bombing in LA and thought... why not do that with weed. And if some of you all out there with some extra seeds join in, maybe we can repopulate nature with our beloved plant. Like Johnny Appleseed, except in the information age.

So here's my simple plan:
1. Make seed bombs using surplus weed seeds. Instructions:
2. Find some natural/secluded areas where the plants will flourish (google maps is great for seeking).
3. Discretely plant seed bombs in a handful of areas.
4. Leave them to grow on their own.

I figure that chances are some of them will go to seed, and that is the goal. They seed and drop and the next year the patch will be bigger. And you can always go back at the end of the season to nab some of the effortlessly grown shwag.

Like Nike says: Just do it.


Well-Known Member
and spread shitty polen to seed eveyones sinsemilla crop so everyone can have some hemp seeds to pick out of there buds. go to the midwest there is shitty hemp growing everywhere. if there is no selective breeding everything would turn into crap in a few short years.


Active Member
Yup scrap the idea man....leads to shitty plants..........Plus you don't know if it was a rogue male half a mile away from some other bonehead not cutting his stuff down in time or at all for that matter............We catch guys like that in the woods they get stripped and get beat down.......peace to ya...........


New Member
Yup scrap the idea man....leads to shitty plants..........Plus you don't know if it was a rogue male half a mile away from some other bonehead not cutting his stuff down in time or at all for that matter............We catch guys like that in the woods they get stripped and get beat down.......peace to ya...........
then u get shot in the face for fucking with the wrong persons shit.
lol, well if you are trying for sinsemilla grow indoors... and I wasn't saying out in the boonies where you all are growing... I'm saying cities and neighborhoods... way to be a-holes though.