Guerilla grow/outdoor grow spot


New Member
newbie grower here, today i was out scouting for a spot to do a guerilla grow and think i have found a great little spot. it meets all my requirements of sunlight,privacy and lack of native plants but the question i have is will the soil in the area affect the cannabis plant. in the video above you can see that the spot is in a wetlands/swamp area with very wet soil. will this prevent growing? or just dry out when summer comes around?



Well-Known Member
Well if you plant any young plants in that, they will rot. Maybe dig some of the soil up and pile it up into like a little hill and let it dry out plenty, and then plant the young plant on top of the little hill so it won't rot and die. If it remains boggy in that area your plant will have access to plenty of water.
Where I live there are two main enemies, fallow deer and rabbits (and foxes might also have a nibble of the plants as I have experienced before).
I have tried a couple of times to do hands off guerilla grows (just planting rooted cuttings somewhere and leaving them to do their thing) and failed, so there will be far far more knowledgeable people than me on this forum regarding guerilla grows and hopefully they can chime in and give you some better information and maybe some valuable tips.