Guerilla Grow Canada '13

This is the beginning of my second ever outdoor grow which I can only hope hope will be a successful one. Last weekend I purchased 5 packs of feminized seeds totalling to 25 young girls. They are 6 of Reserva Privada's Purple OG#18, 6 of Reserva Privada's Purple Wreck, 6 of BC Bud Depots BC God Bud, 2 BC Bud Depot Jack Herer(Free with BCGB) and 6 of Sensi Seeds Super Skunk. I paper towel germinated them on monday with a heating pad underneath them and they all germinated in 30 hours with exception of the 2 Jack Herer's that took 48 hours to germinate. They were all planted in a miracle grow seedling mix on Tuesday (DAY 1) and put under a computer desk lamp and humidity dome as well as with the heating pad. The following night (DAY 2) I planted the 2 Jack and I put them in their new home; a dresser I modified to house them for the next 4-6 weeks until outdoor transplanting. They are sitting under two 24 watt T5's and still have the heating mat underneath their potting tray and to my great satisfaction practically all 25 girls sprouted from the soil by Day 3.

I have been lightly watering them with warm/room temperature bottled water and misting them for the last week 1-2 times daily and they have been in a 75-85 degree environment with a humidity ranging from 25-35 percent, they are a little hot in their cabinet not but hopefully they will turn out well. Im going to buy distilled water for them tomorrow too. They were all been looking great until Friday morning(DAY 4) when I began cutting the tray I had the seedling in the separate them so I would be able to take them in and out of the small opening of the grow dresser.This was an extremely stupid mistake and while putting the girls back in I dropped 4 BDGB's and 1 Purple Wreck in their small pots upside down on the ground. It was horrible but I quickly turned over the god bud and luckily the soil and seedling was still in contact and didnt crumble everywhere because I had just watered them. The single purple wreck that had fallen lost all of its dirts and I actually had to pick up the entire seedling(from root tip to the cotyledon leaves) and frantically re plant it in the soil with a toothpick to hold her up. I didnt think these fallen babies were going to make it but to by the next day they were still alive and although a little small and frail they didnt look like they were going to die. Now, almost 60 hours later (DAY 5.5) they are still alive and doing good considering they could have been ruined from their fall.

I am very pleased with this grow so far considering how fast these girls are already on their way. They have been seedlings for about 6 days and I am wondering when I should begin feeding them this week?? I have a liquid organic fertilizer that recommends 2 teaspoons per gallon, should I begin using a 1/4 dose this week or more/less? Also, should I remove the heating pad to eliminate heat or do is that still helping them? Another question is what is a good small and quiet fan I could use in this enclosed area for these girls? I will also be transplanting these girls to new pots soon then again outside in 4-6 weeks and need to know when to transplant to bigger and what size(see pictures)?

25 Feminized Seeds: 6 Purple OG #18, 6 Purple Wreck, 6 BC God Bud, 5 Super Skunk, 2 Jack Herer
Lighting: 2 24 watt T5's
Soil: Miracle Grow Seedling Mix
Water: Bottled Water
Climate: Temperature= 5-85Fahrenheit Humidity= 25-40%
Day 6 and all seedlings have sprouted and are looking good. Surprisingly the 2 jack herers that took a day longer to germinate than all the other seeds are larger and taller than all the other seedlings so far. Check out the photos of everything so far since saturday when I decided to start taking photos for a journal.

My plan is to put outside in mid-late May(at 4-6 weeks old), no later than June First and they will all be placed in small outdoor patches of 2-4 plants to keep them separated and safe which means I will be locating 5-12 spots. These girls will be placed in a prepared soil contained in burlap sacks that will hold 5-25 gallons of prepared mix composed of peat, compost, worm castings and lime as well as an added organic mix of fertilizer and polymer water crystals for water retention. The burlap sacks will be dug and put into the ground. I will most likely be using deer and pest deterrents, I will probably also have the plants protected from animals by chicken wire and from people by trail camera's that will be on certain patches throughout the season. I will be able to water and feed these plants on a weekly basis as I can visit 1-2 patches per day and perform weekly or bi-weekly maintenance on any one plant. I am hoping to turn these girls little monsters and walk away with a few pounds, but I am very weary and nervous as I lost 15 plants last summer to rippers which was basically my entire harvest. Here is the organic mix I have found and plan to use(per gallon):1/3 cup N Guana, 1/2 Cup P Guano, 1 tbs Jersey Greensand, 1 tbs Kelp Meal.

So far this grow has only cost me 300 for seeds, 70 for lighting, 30 for heating mat, 10 for soil, and 10 for trays and pots leaving me at about a total of $420 spent so far:) and I am hoping not to spend more than 4-500 more on soil, nutes and other supplies this summer keeping this grow under a thousand along with many hours of labour.

***As this is my basically my first grow, please post tips suggestions and criticisms to help me along and anything and everything I have and will post throughout this grow!***BCGB.jpgDay 4 a.jpgDay 4 b.jpgDay 4 c.jpgDay 5.jpgFallen BCGB.jpgFallen P-Wreck.jpgGrow Cabinet.jpgJack Herer.jpgPurple OG# 18.jpgPurple Wreck.jpgPurple Wreckk.jpgSuper Skunk.jpgTemp.jpgTranplanting Pots.jpg
Southern Ontario, all of these strains were recommended in person at the seed bank I went too for using outdoors(although they were sold out of some of their better options)


Well-Known Member
Southern Ontario, all of these strains were recommended in person at the seed bank I went too for using outdoors(although they were sold out of some of their better options)
get your info on strains that finish from local growers, seed banks just trying to make a buck
So today was my first feeding of the plants(DAY 9) because all plants except one have begun to show their first true leaves.I used approximately a quarter dose of general organics biothrive veg as you can see in the pictures. All plants are doing well especially one of the purple OG#18's and both of the jack herers that I had to put stakes next to to hold up. Should I take out the heating mat or leave it throughout their first month or two?? Check out the photos to see how the girls are lookin.

DAY 9a.jpgPurple OG 18.jpgJack Herer day 9.jpgDAY 9b.jpgIMG_1529.jpgIMG_1528.jpgIMG_1526.jpg


Well-Known Member
looking good, just FYI your plants in this stage dont Really need nutrients until the cotyledons fall off (they have the "starter" nutrient charge the plant needs for its first few weeks of life)
try a rooting stimulator for increased veg rate :) (Eg bioroot)
Ok thanks, when would you recommend transplanting to bigger pots btw? I was thinking this weekend or next and I got some vitamin b-1 for use during the transplantand putting them in a mix of 60% seedling soil mix, 20% worm castings and 20% perlite for drainage. Can the worm castings burn my babies at a young age and should I take away the heating mat???

Will post new pics tonight or tomorrow, theyre lookin better everyday:)
Hey heres todays(DAY 10) update, the girls are lookin good, a few little runts and one baby has only grown one cotyledon leaf and remained in that state as you can see in the centre. The 2 Jack Herer's are still way ahead of the rest as far as visual growth. Please respond to any questions I have asked throughout this thread, it is much appreciated!
Here they are today:
DAY 10c.jpgDAY 10 HERER.jpgDAY 10b.jpgDAY 10a.jpg
Ive found a few spots so far but Im still looking for locations for all of these girls. If I havnt found anything better than what I already know of Im going to be bringing my soil mix out to those locations in a week or two.
I wish you luck, finding a good location can always be tough -- but if you find the right place it can last you several seasons. I'm assuming you are starting later because of the risk of frost in canada? Mine are already in the ground ( if you wanted to check out my journal -- it's my first guerrilla grow as well ) but only because where I'm at the risk of any more frost has already subsided.


New Member
Hey man I'm also doing a guerrilla grow this season in southern Ontario. I already put my seedlings out in my backyard to get em used to the sun. Ill probably keep them there till the end of may and replant them at my spot. I would get them used to the sun if you havent already began to, where I live its been 20+ Celsius so I think your plants will love it
So after I posted the last photos I fed the girls with a quarter strength dose of nutes at day 14 which was a bad idea and burned almost all of the plants. The pictures I posted now show the girls right after being fed for the first time and pictures I took today(DAY 23) which shows how theyre recovering. About half of them look like they will die or not turn into much but some are showing a little green.
Ive also noticed light coatings of green fuzzy mold stuff that I have no idea of what it is? The plants that are doing well are in decent shape but seem a little droopey but and the biggest jack herrers leaves are even starting to lose a little green as if they want nutes but I dont want to screw with that again for awhile now. I also turned off the heating pad and the enclosed are they are living in is still about the same temp and humidity: 81 fahrenheit and 35 percent humidity. The good looking few will be brought outside in the next 2 weeks!!


Staff member
I wish you luck, finding a good location can always be tough -- but if you find the right place it can last you several seasons. I'm assuming you are starting later because of the risk of frost in canada? Mine are already in the ground ( if you wanted to check out my journal -- it's my first guerrilla grow as well ) but only because where I'm at the risk of any more frost has already subsided.
its been very very cold winter this year, summer literally just started this week pretty much and it still is quite cold at night


Well-Known Member
I think your main problems are, they need more root room and they look very overwatered too. How are they doing now.