Grunk! My first grow ever. Help is appreciated.

So the old guy at the weed shop has some seeds randomly laying on the side by themselves and I ask him about them. He says its a grape/skunk strain simply called Grunk. He also had some there that I purchased so I could try some as well. It tasted sweet and fruity with a nice buzz to it so I figured I would germinate some and throw them outback. Out of 12 seeds I got 10 to germinate fully. 1 was killed by the dog knocking the pot over so 9 remain. All turned out to be female and are now in about week 3-4 of flowering. Any help is apppreciated, I am concerned the cold weather coming might prevent a full harvest for me. I live in the pacific northwest, but figure that people have grown weed outdoors here for many many years so maybe I'm good? not sure. what do you think? here are some pics of them right now.



Well-Known Member
Those buds definitely don't look like they will be ready in 7-10 days. Make a new post about when you should harvest this and get some professional's responses, don't wanna harvest it too early man.


Active Member
Looks good , I use to live in that region and we usually pick ours like second frost depending how bad temps/frost is during that time. Moisture can create bud mold so watch out . If it does frost and they are still in the grown watch out as the frost adds weight and will break branches. Good luck and I hope to c the out come.
thanks for the advice. i have been watching the trics and they are about 50/50 cloudy to clear at this point so i gues i assumed about 10 days. time will tell. ill push them as far as the weather will let me if they dont look ready. ill post more in a week.
Plants are looking nice! Frost is something you don't wanna mess around with... Make sure you check the weather and pull it before temps become an issue. Obviously you're looking for a decent amount of amber trichs before you cut it all down.

You can also get rid of a decent amount of those enormous fan leaves. They look to be shading the inside of your buds.

Good luck!


Active Member
doesnt look ready for some reason , 'GRUNK' never heard of it ill do some research and see when it harvests O:
well i didnt say it was ready today. about a week out. i am new but have been doing my research. if the pistils and trics are ready i dont really care how green the rest of the plant is. i am shooting for next monday or tuesday, but if i do not think they are ready yet i will hold off. i am not going to jump the gun and pull out early...


Well-Known Member
If you feed them more P the buds would have been longer with less internodes. Still another 2 weeks and just wondering why you cut off all the leaves?
i trimmed the leaves to get more light to the lower branches and take up less energy consumption. i planned on harvest oct 1st because our average frost is the 3rd and that puts me at 9 weeks of flower, but the more i look at them every day the more i keep saying "just a week to go". If the weather holds out which it looks like it will i will probably have to hold off a little. maybe 10-14 days.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
The leaves store nutrients and put them into the buds, I don't think you should have cut them off, that's my opinion though.
well a new guy like me comes to this site for help and one guy says i need to trim and the other says i shouldn't have then I am not sure what is the proper technique. It seems hard to get concurrent answers on this site sometimes so I guess guidance and trial and error are my only ways.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
well a new guy like me comes to this site for help and one guy says i need to trim and the other says i shouldn't have then I am not sure what is the proper technique. It seems hard to get concurrent answers on this site sometimes so I guess guidance and trial and error are my only ways.
You have to sort through the hippie legends.
I like pics and im sure everyone else does too. here are some updated ones. a few plants are turning really purple probably due to temps outside but they look great. getting real close. I now plan on harvesting on the 5/6th instead of the 1st. what a difference a few days can make when it comes to the final weeks.

getting close.jpggetting close2.jpggetting close3.jpggetting close4.jpggetting close5.jpg