Harvested last Monday on day 63, hung until Wednesday when the racks collapsed in the drying room. Got the Stackit drying screens out and placed the buds on them.
Thursday morning when they were dry to the touch on the outer layer but still very pliable. Took the buds down and put them in a plastic bag and sealed them till late that night, did not want to leave the plastic overnight so I put them in paper bags . On Friday mid day I removed the buds from the paper bag and put them back into the plastic bag. Saturday morning they were put on the Stackit drying screens and put back into the drying room to finish, until this morning.
Removed them off the screen and put them in a quart jar box to start the trimming process.
Then I trimmed them for going into the jars for curing. I remove all side buds and leave the last few inches of the arrow buds.
After weighing they were put back into the box to be transferred to the jars.
Was running a little short on jars so had to pack them a bit but finished with 10 quarts and two half gallon jars. Show 11 quarts but combined that small amount the the middle jar with some of the other jars.
Now for a two to three week cure, twice daily burps for the first week plus then every other day till cured.
This was 647 grams from 4 plants of Pheno #1 and 98 grams of Pheno #3 (not pictured) that was harvested last week it comes to 745 grams, 26.5 zips or 1.18 grams/watt. I do expect to lose around 5% more weight during cure, but I am a very happy man. Will be making oil very shortly.
Just a few more pics of harvest.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions.
Now the Monster Crop grow is on and it's going to be fun.