GR's Flow and Grow 4, plant Gorilla Cookies!!!!!

You think I could use 1/2 tap and 1/2 RO. Or do fir a flush with tap and follow that with pH'ed RO with enough cal/mag plus to bring the ppm to around 150.
You think I could use 1/2 tap and 1/2 RO. Or do fir a flush with tap and follow that with pH'ed RO with enough cal/mag plus to bring the ppm to around 150.
Just needs a flush ,if your tap is anyway half decent then go with that.Clean out your system and fill with food ASAP.
I believe the plants are recovering from the zinc deficiency. But I think the damage is done, slow growth, bleaching, but not seeing any root damage. Being auto's I think that they will not produce as they should.
Pulled the plants from the tent on Tuesday and tied them down.

These two are showing the most damage.

These two are showing minimal damage.

The pH seems to have stabilized. I took the Torus XPH cannister out of the rez last week and the pH has been stable since Thursday. It had been rising rapidly but it has not risen above 5.9 since I took it out. Torus is sending me new pods for my cannister and will try them and see what I get. I know they work as my buddy has been using them with great success.
Fast forward to Tuesday of this week, they are drinking and taken in nutrients, about 3 gallons used since last Thursday. So I added three gallons of RO, I added 1 ml/gal of Micro and Bloom, also added .25 rate of zinc sulfate. That brought the EC up to 1.0

I am changing the rez out today, been 2 weeks and 2 days since the last change. This morning I checked the EC and it dropped from 1.0 to 0.8.

It is what it is, let them do their thing and get ready to start again.
Yesterday I changed out the rez, pumped out the old rez, washed the rez good with Clorox and refilled with 30 gallons of nutrient mix that I made up three days in advance.
This rez had been in use for 16 days, I added 3 gallons on the 7th day and 14th day and adjusted the nutrients. When I pumped out the rez there was less than 9 gallons remaining. So the plants over the 16 day period had drank 27 gallons. The EC dropped from 1.1 to 0.8 after the first week and from 1.1 to 0.7 during the 2nd week. So on Tuesday of this week, the 2nd week, I added 3 gallons to the rez and set the nutrient level to 1.1 again and yesterday when I took the reading it was 0.8.
I had some pH issues during the previous reservoir that led to zinc deficiency, too high pH. I corrected that but now I am getting leaf drooping and discoloration. This is my first grow with this type of Ebb and Flow system, been growing in coco/perlite for the last 10 years so I am new to this type of grow and not use to having these problem.
This is the drooping and discoloration I am seeing.

This one is not showing the drooping and discoloration.

These two showed the most damage do to the zinc problem.
This pic is showing the drooping and discoloration.

This one was the most damaged by the zinc problem but it is barely showing the drooping and discoloration, just the original zinc damage.

Any comments appreciated.
Perhaps flood level is too high for too long?
Flood and drain that Ive seen fill pretty quickly and then drain just as fast.