GRRR!!! how much longer!!!


Well-Known Member
I put the baby on 12/12 on 8-11. At that point it had 7 nodes, now it has 13 nodes, and by morning there will probably be 14 and the 15th will be well on the way. How much longer am I going to wait before I know if I need to kill it? I know that cant be answered, but I am getting frustrated. There is nothing to take a pic of to show(unless you just want to see it), it looks the same as it did when on 18/6, just bigger. It just keeps growing, I know thats not a bad thing, but sheesh I want to see something positive. I am just venting. I am in a stealth box and thats all the room I have. I am tired of waiting and wanting to see something good, so I can either keep going or kill it and start some more seedlings.


Well-Known Member
Dammit, I think I do.

Noo. now that I think about it, I dont feel better. I am tired of it talking, I want to see some action.


Well-Known Member
do you have anything as far as a magnifyer goes?
Make-up section at any cheap store usualy has a 10x for bare min start.
If youre Way beyond all this and really just venting ..... I feel ya.....


Well-Known Member
I am not that blind but I hear ya the 10x min would help, but the fucker just keeps growing, no preflowers no nothing. Plus I am not experienced enough to really know what I was looking at if I had to look at something that small yet. But as far as every node goes, they are clean, and no sign of anything I want(or dont want) to see.


Active Member
When trichromes are 2/3 brown and most of the fan leaves have fallen off then there ready to harvest. But that is just a general rule exceptions can apply. You have to flower for longer than a week... lol

Note: ferts can cause the trichromes to turn brown and this is just a false alarm.