Growth Problem

So this is my second time growing indoors. First time im using: 400W MH Bulb, about 32 inches away 19hrs on and 5hrs off. The plants are about 10 days along planted in MG potting soil. Nothing else added.Since about day 3 these two plants have been behaving very strange. One has basically stopped growing and the other produces a pair of very small unusuall leaves. Please take a look at the pics.


So this is my second time growing indoors. First time im using: 400W MH Bulb, about 32 inches away 19hrs on and 5hrs off. The plants are about 10 days along planted in MG potting soil. Nothing else added.Since about day 3 these two plants have been behaving very strange. One has basically stopped growing and the other produces a pair of very small unusuall leaves. Please take a look at the pics.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Dunno maybe bad genetics, you might need to bring your lights closer. Bring them close enough to where your hand is war but not hot. What's up with the 19/5 schedule? Just do 18/6. What's your temps?