Growth Concerns


Active Member
Hello all, yes a am a newbie to growing and this site. i have loved all the info i have read online and have a few of my own. i have been in veg from clone for 9 days. i am runnning a 600 watt metal halide light about 4.5 feet over 12 plants in my 8' x 12' out building on a 18/6 ratio. daytime temps range fron 75ish to 84ish and nighttime temps run from 65ish to 72ish and humidity is around 45 to 60. i am growing 6 sour diesel and 6 mendo purps...the sour diesel are doing great but the purps are not looking as heathy or growing as much, they have a lighter green color and smaller stalk to them. nutrients are all sufficient with a small surplus of nitrogen. should i have planted these together?? anything would help and thank you sooooo much!


Active Member
are you blowing a fan across them? this helps to stimulate stem growth. Just enough so they dance around a little.


Active Member
check your soil Ph, if it's off that can affect nutrient uptake, should be 6.5 - 7.0 range. Lighter green leaves to me says it needs nitrogen, it could also just be strain related. Pics always help.


Active Member
10 4 they are dancing good now and i will check ph...thanx agian. i will try to post a few pic's


Active Member
ok, ph is 6.8 and still waiting for nitrogrn but yesterday there was a is a pic hope u can see it good enouph. thanx agian!IMG_3625_912.jpg


Active Member
yea, looks a little dry on top, test it with your finger or a moisture meter and see how it is a few inches down.


Active Member
one thing i room was colder when i started and the leaves were turning purple and once i got the temps where i wanted them the leaves went to light green and the others (sour diesel) started flying. looking aroung purps, i think, need it a little cooler. idk