Growroom Design Help


Active Member
Hi Everyone. Im new in the forum and been checking it out for a bit so sign up since i decided to grow after years of lurking and learning. I need you guys to criticize this set up i came up with. I figured if i was gonna do it, was gonna do it up right. Please tell me what im doing wrong so i can correct whats not right and make it the best grow possible! Thanks for even reading this far.

Set up:

1000watt fps/mh digital air cooled system
1000watt fps bulb and an other metal halide
3'x3'x6' Grow hut (closet)
4'' inline fan
6'' carbon filter
6'' computer fan air intake - I live in Ontario, keep that in mind.
2, 4'' computer fan
light yo-yo's

I don't have anything special to plug stuff in, just an outlet and power bar. Advice on that?

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Im going to be using a sea of green method. Im gonna germinate and grow from seed, 10 mybe 15 seeds, grow them with the metal halide, for 2 weeks, or earlier if they reach 20 cm tall, then switch to 12/12, get rid of the males. First week of flowering im going to extract the bottom branches.

Im going to be using 1 galon maybe 1.5 galon pots, i was thinking of growing them all in a tray, any advice?.

Im going to use the whole array of Advanced nutrients, Tarantula, mother earth grow, final phase, mother earth bloom with bud blood, sweet leaf, then big bud and finaly final phase, in that order and co2 water for the fnial flush.

Im going to be growing, White berry, and Belladonna from Paradise Seeds.

My goal is to finish a cycle by december 20th.

So whats wrong with that setp up, please comment. THANKS!


Well-Known Member
I like the image of your set-up!:mrgreen: It's really detailed and it looks like you put some time into it. I think that you'll only need one air intake instead of the two. just route the only air intake thru your light's reflector. The exhaust looks fine. You may not even need to have an intake fan as long as the negative air pressure draws the air thru your light. The simpler the better. I like the OnaGel in the corner. that fan in the bottom may not need to be there as the hot air should rise to the top on its own. The oscillatng fan in the top corner looks like it should do the trick moving the air around on the inside of your tent. Overall your setup looks like it will generate some amazing bud either way!!! good luck with your first grow on this site, & keep me updated!


Well-Known Member
I'm also planning and designing my SOG setup based on the Facts and harvest every 2 weeks threads from the Hydro Page.

I'm still doing prep work on the basement walls so I'm not there yet. But I would like to point out some things that I see that conflict the conventions that I have seen put forth in practice. These things I would research and double check to make sure you have straightened out for your build.

Fans: Fans should be at a level plane as the foliage or lower. Right now you have them above blowing down on them. Also you have one on the floor and blowing up. I would think this setup would just move the fan leaves around and would restrict air movement to the stems. From what I understand you want the air flow from fans to be to shake and move the main stalks to stimulate growth. Shaking up and stirring up fan leaves may have little benefit, and I'm not sure if this is the best use of fans or not.

You have no ventilation to the outside. You have venting to come in, but I see nothing out. You also suggest a passive intake but if you put a fan on it, that makes it active. But again, you will need to vent stale/warm air outside, and I don't see this on your plans. Also the way you have your carbon filter and unit, you are scrubbing the outside air and pouring that inside. However you aren't doing anything about the odor on the inside of the room. You are controlling the odor from the outside and bringing it into the grow room. If you are scrubbing you should be sucking air from the inside and it should be passing through the filter that can be left inside (scrubbing) or have it connected to more duct work (using an inline filter) that is dumping to the outside.

I'm not sure how effective cooling a light with a fan using a standard hood, but from what I understand if you are going to even bother with cooling lights, then it is best to go the full 9 and get a cool tube and have 1 fan pushing the cool air into the bulb with another fan pulling the hot air away from the bulb to the outside of the room. When that cold air hits your light right now, it will cool it, but that mass of air is going to warm up (not as much because of the fresh supply) but that is still going to remain in the room. Again it has been determined that having a light vent on its own separate system is always best practice.

Also 1000W MH for your veg area might be over kill. In a SOG, ratio of flowering plants to mums is about 4:1. 400 Watt for the vegging might be the magical number for you.

Good luck and hope this has helped.


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone. Im new in the forum and been checking it out for a bit so sign up since i decided to grow after years of lurking and learning. I need you guys to criticize this set up i came up with. I figured if i was gonna do it, was gonna do it up right. Please tell me what im doing wrong so i can correct whats not right and make it the best grow possible! Thanks for even reading this far.

Set up:

1000watt fps/mh digital air cooled system
1000watt fps bulb and an other metal halide
3'x3'x6' Grow hut (closet)
4'' inline fan
6'' carbon filter
6'' computer fan air intake - I live in Ontario, keep that in mind.
2, 4'' computer fan
light yo-yo's

I don't have anything special to plug stuff in, just an outlet and power bar. Advice on that?

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Im going to be using a sea of green method. Im gonna germinate and grow from seed, 10 mybe 15 seeds, grow them with the metal halide, for 2 weeks, or earlier if they reach 20 cm tall, then switch to 12/12, get rid of the males. First week of flowering im going to extract the bottom branches.

Im going to be using 1 galon maybe 1.5 galon pots, i was thinking of growing them all in a tray, any advice?.

Im going to use the whole array of Advanced nutrients, Tarantula, mother earth grow, final phase, mother earth bloom with bud blood, sweet leaf, then big bud and finaly final phase, in that order and co2 water for the fnial flush.

Im going to be growing, White berry, and Belladonna from Paradise Seeds.

My goal is to finish a cycle by december 20th.

So whats wrong with that setp up, please comment. THANKS!
you should invest in a couple of timers one just for a back up in case the first one goes bad.


Well-Known Member
well all i'd use instead of the light yo yos is to use some food hooks and chain... it getts you a bit more into you grow.. saves money of buying more stuff also.. i wouldn't use the table.. instead i'd use 1 inch foam on the floor and cover that with plastic.. the pots will need holes in the bottom and the plastic will catch the excess water that drains... pesonally i'd do half the room lst and the other half sog because that way youll be able to see which method yeilds more bud for you.. o and the fan that's on the bottom of the pic under the table... if posable put that between the tops of the plants and the light.. it will give the plants a bit more strength.. and cool them off if don't really need trays i don't use them becaue i have the plastic on the floor over the foam.. the foam helps keep the pots off the cold floor.. other then that awesome setup an good luck to you


Active Member
I'm also planning and designing my SOG setup based on the Facts and harvest every 2 weeks threads from the Hydro Page.

I'm still doing prep work on the basement walls so I'm not there yet. But I would like to point out some things that I see that conflict the conventions that I have seen put forth in practice. These things I would research and double check to make sure you have straightened out for your build.

Fans: Fans should be at a level plane as the foliage or lower. Right now you have them above blowing down on them. Also you have one on the floor and blowing up. I would think this setup would just move the fan leaves around and would restrict air movement to the stems. From what I understand you want the air flow from fans to be to shake and move the main stalks to stimulate growth. Shaking up and stirring up fan leaves may have little benefit, and I'm not sure if this is the best use of fans or not.

You have no ventilation to the outside. You have venting to come in, but I see nothing out. You also suggest a passive intake but if you put a fan on it, that makes it active. But again, you will need to vent stale/warm air outside, and I don't see this on your plans. Also the way you have your carbon filter and unit, you are scrubbing the outside air and pouring that inside. However you aren't doing anything about the odor on the inside of the room. You are controlling the odor from the outside and bringing it into the grow room. If you are scrubbing you should be sucking air from the inside and it should be passing through the filter that can be left inside (scrubbing) or have it connected to more duct work (using an inline filter) that is dumping to the outside.

I'm not sure how effective cooling a light with a fan using a standard hood, but from what I understand if you are going to even bother with cooling lights, then it is best to go the full 9 and get a cool tube and have 1 fan pushing the cool air into the bulb with another fan pulling the hot air away from the bulb to the outside of the room. When that cold air hits your light right now, it will cool it, but that mass of air is going to warm up (not as much because of the fresh supply) but that is still going to remain in the room. Again it has been determined that having a light vent on its own separate system is always best practice.

Also 1000W MH for your veg area might be over kill. In a SOG, ratio of flowering plants to mums is about 4:1. 400 Watt for the vegging might be the magical number for you.

Good luck and hope this has helped.

This is how the room flows, i should have indicated the arrows before.
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Well-Known Member
Right on. Well that does make more sense, but please double check on the efficiency of a fan pulling air through a filter as opposed to pushing air through the filter. There have been some great posts about pulling and pushing air masses, especially as it relates to heat. There is a good chance for loss of CFM and even stalling the fans depending on type and use.

again best of luck.