Growmans 2013 Monsters, 4 Month Indoor Veg, 4 LB. Per Plant Minimum

growman what's the black pvc pipe for yo? You got a grow under your kitchen sink or what :lol:

Lol its under my shower hahah
By the way, that bubble mylar on the left... totally the way to go. I love that stuff!!!

yeah man the blankets are crinkly like a muher, i will be replacing soon. :)

Very nice use of extra space, that bulb is really bright :):):)

Thanks bro my bad i didnt call u back i gotto work at 8 so i hit the hay.

here some more shots





Under your shower???? WTF? Okay.. bust out more pics. This I gotta see. If you have a grow under a shower, I will sooooo +rep you. I'd never find a damn plant under a shower bro.
All good man, the turkey put me to bed early and now im up drinkin tequilla...ya, i didnt sleep much. That one looks like its a mainline attempt. If it is you need to give the one side more slack i think so the horizontal line your creating is even. Or you might have an imbalance. I dont know... im drunk, but thats what i see. :):):)
All good man, the turkey put me to bed early and now im up drinkin tequilla...ya, i didnt sleep much. That one looks like its a mainline attempt. If it is you need to give the one side more slack i think so the horizontal line your creating is even. Or you might have an imbalance. I dont know... im drunk, but thats what i see. :):):)


bah we will se what happens with here, i may loosen one end later today, but the new seeding is the real mainline candidate.
ive never done wings but ive heard they kick ass because you can smoke them soo long, you can over smoke them if you hittem with a ton of hickory or mequite just like whole chickens. Yours look like theyll be good. I just did three racks of ribs a few days ago. I like ribs and brisket myself, oh and fish, smoked fish belly is soo good. Ive got a gunsafe style smoker, cleaning a removable smoke box is super easy and i can run water in it for extra humidity for an 18 hr brisket :):):) i can almost taste those through my screen, im hungry now :(
your right .I over smoked them. Thought they would be better this morning when I sobered up , but the wife is still bitchen they sucked. Oh well never know unless you try. HaHa. Here we smoke a lot with oak.
Under your shower???? WTF? Okay.. bust out more pics. This I gotta see. If you have a grow under a shower, I will sooooo +rep you. I'd never find a damn plant under a shower bro.

I had one under a shower for some time

DSCF1948.jpgRotation of DSCF1954.jpg

this one was one interesting plant. at a point had some Ca deficit and I didn't have any proper calcium but I had some pills with Ca and vitamin D, you know the ones you are giving old people with ostheoporosis, gave that to the plant and went well
Bro, the goos got ALOT better color than when you took them!! Theyre looking healthy! Im still scared of those stupid peat pots and mould. I hate those things :(

hey man, Your saying peat has the tendency to get mold? Oh fuck...Im susing coco(thats just like peat, right?) One of the reasons Im suing coco is because i heard its HARD to get mold with coco. Am I more apt to get mold with coco? i do noticed it takes a while to dry out. Though it has been in low temps. Just brought her inside to 65 degrees to help.
hey man, Your saying peat has the tendency to get mold? Oh fuck...Im susing coco(thats just like peat, right?) One of the reasons Im suing coco is because i heard its HARD to get mold with coco. Am I more apt to get mold with coco? i do noticed it takes a while to dry out. Though it has been in low temps. Just brought her inside to 65 degrees to help.
Did you add pearlite?