Growing without nutes


Well-Known Member
In the dirt out in the sunshine, yeah, sure. But not hydro. And the results won't be nearly as good as with proper nutes.

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
outdoor its possible but not indoor really but either way the idea is to get some sweet buds so why not just do it properly


that question brings to mind what if you run into problems like overfeeding when you get into flowering for example soil already contains nutrients and then you need to add in some p for your grow so what do you do? wait the 3 motnhs it says on soil bag or simply go ahead and feed?


Well-Known Member
if you have huge buckets with a nice hot organic soil mix you can feed them less than you would have otherwise. But trying to go the whole life cycle with just the nutes in the soil will never work well..


Well-Known Member
yeah it's possible to grow an indoor soil grow with no nutes.. I planted the seed in miracle grow soil and other than the pre added nutes, there were none added to it and it grew like a beauty... granted, it won't get as big as if you add nutes but you'll still get a harvest if done right


Well-Known Member
Do you mean you want to only use water and not any liquid nutrients? It can be quite tedious keeping track of when to feed and when not to. Growing without nutes and just depending on the nutrients in the soil, will only last for approx. 3 weeks. And granted most soils dependent upon the brand and NPK ratios are more suited for the vegetative stage as most are rich in Nitrogen.

A very effective alternative would be to use Subcool's just add water soil mix. Which can be found in his sub-forum in the organics area. This super soil as it has been dubbed has all the correct nutrients added to it so all that is needed is plain water from early veg through flower. Producing high quality medicinal smoke. :weed:


Well-Known Member
9 months of released nutes!? you sure? Mine was only 3 but damn, yeah if its 9 then you're fine. However, it's better to try and get all the nutes out of the soil a week or two before harvest, so mine stopped with nutes at just the right time.

As for the light. Idk... I wouldn't think so. It seems to weak. Only 70 watts


Well-Known Member
I dont know? I did a crop a few yrs ago and watered with well water half the time and water out the dehumidifier the other half got some big ass buds maybe i have nice water????????


Active Member
ok ill read subcool's post put i really want to know for the light its pretty cheap 50$ canadian