Growing with Four 90w Leds


YEAH im lookin into a 600w led its like 1600 so i gotta save up i spend alot of money on my hydro system led lights and seeds already


Active Member
Ok your not gonna get a lb. from each plant i'll let you know that right now. Especially if your gonna use LED's because yeah I guess they are the future some what, but they don't cover as much area as a HPS would nor do they have the lumen output like an HID does. Yes I know about the less wattage it uses and heat reduction. You would be better off doing a SOG with a bunch of uniform smaller plants in that grow box. Don't wry so much about getting a lb. per plant but rather getting down a system that works for you.


it smells so good. i wana eat the plants. i cant wait to smoke the somango too. the thing i like about growin my own weed is that i dont have to pay rediculous amounts of money for goo quality weed...whats ut favorite type of weed???


Active Member
Pine apple express lol .... the thing i realized about growing is im not going to get rich but atleast i dont have to buy shitty pot :) ...... seriously i havent tried to many name brand things but i have grown a variety of community plants i really like the pine apple so much its a legend around here now lol but if not try the super lemon haze ..... white berry some of the most delicate i have had and sage is my favorite flavor wize