Growing with a dead Rat in the soil ?

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Active Member
I heard from a buddy tonight that he has a friend that has grew with a dead rat in the soil ? Now maybe something to do with nitrogen ? Im not sure im curious !


Well-Known Member
maybe you should try eating one, hope you don't get a disease an die. Same would go for your plant.

Try something worth trying.


Active Member
i dont know about that im a noob who is about to setup and i would never smoke anything that had a dead rat in it no matter how good that shit look or is just dont make me happy lol the whole point to growing your own shit is to know what u smoking not to smoke shit or rats lol


Well-Known Member
your friend pocohontas needs to lay off the fire water!

the decomposing flesh surely leaves some kind of nutes for the plant to uptake, but man... I don't know that doesn't seem like "clean" practice.

what ever happened to planting a seedling over a dead fish???


Active Member
your friend pocohontas needs to lay off the fire water!

the decomposing flesh surely leaves some kind of nutes for the plant to uptake, but man... I don't know that doesn't seem like "clean" practice.

what ever happened to planting a seedling over a dead fish???
Exactly, I'd rather put dead fish in my soil, I even tried putting chicken dung in my soil once because it's very high in Nitrogen, and my plant LOVED it. Anything but a dead rat, yuck!


Well-Known Member
toss some of this in there while your at it....i heard it makes the taste great...oh and it will smell the bommmmbbbb
hehe my cat is a beast, someone said they saw my cat dragging what looked like a dogs corps in its mouth into a back yard..this is what i found at my bed side one night.....notice the mystery meat i never did find the rest of this thing..

seriously, you dont need dead animals when we have shit like bat gauno, worm castings and an endless supply of companies like fox farm



stays relevant.
I think that the rat may cause more problems than good, and I am inclined to believe your friend is lying. Using dead mammals in your soil is not generally considered good practice...


Active Member
I doubt that it would work very well. Now, if you like put it in the soil long long long before planting, and let it completely decompose, I think it might be alright. I mean, that's basically what compost is, isn't that where the term, "pushing up daisies" came from?


Well-Known Member
i keep putting the fish that die in the aquriam in pots....
then aft abt 3-4 months i use the soil....
my oj loves it......

but rat.... no chance i would want to smoke that...


Active Member
Well its nice to see everyones ideas on the subject. I was just woundering if their was any truth to this odd statement.
Hmmm... since a rat is a carnivorous animal which lies and crawls in our waste and feces, and feeds on our scraps and garbage, aside from the nitrogen, your gonna be gettin a lot more than what you bargained for buddy, that's what I think... :bigjoint:


Active Member
Yea i totally agree with everyone. I think if you left it in the soil and it decomposed then it might be ok. I do know that with my outdoor garden i will catch Carp while fishing throw them in the garden and rototil the soil with the dead carp and that does wounders


Well-Known Member
It only works if you bury the rat alive, so it shits like crazy trying to untie itself. Just pray that you don't use a rat that's seen "Kill Bill"

South Texas

Well-Known Member
A Dead Rat has a lot of GOOD bacteria, which will aid your Plant into becoming very Healthy, but you need to take the time to do it right.
If this Rat committed suicide by way of possion.....Not a good idea.
Cut it up, put in blender, add garlic & Noodles..... Serve it as an Asian Dish. Add Fish Emmusion, (Fucking Rat grew Fins), use it with a bed of seaweed glazed with a coat of Molasses, sprinkled with Greensand. Serve That to the Ladies.Good Luck.
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