Growing Weed with Mama

Would love to know more about infused honey for COPD??Does it help him and how hard is it to make. ?? Please need help
I found honey sticks at the club in Sacramento. The ingredients said it was just infused coconut oil mixed with honey. Im still working on getting the ratios right it its pretty simple to make. The problem I'm having is getting the oil to blend with the honey. You could mix honey with canna butter also but it wouldn't keep as long. It seems to stay mixed easier than the canna oil.

It's working great for the COPD. The patient is experiencing increased apatite and more energy, better mood. They actually opposed medical marijuana until their wife and sister dragged them to the dr to ask about it as an option. The doctor seems happy with his progress and weight gain.
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I found honey sticks at the club in Sacramento. The ingredients said it was just infused coconut oil mixed with honey. Im still working on getting the ratios right it its pretty simple to make. The problem I'm having is getting the oil to blend with the honey. You could mix honey with canna butter also but it wouldn't keep as long. It seems to stay mixed easier than the canna oil.

It's working great for the COPD. The patient is experiencing increased apatite and more energy, better mood. They actually opposed medical marijuana until their wife and sister dragged them to the dr to ask about it as an option. The doctor seems happy with his progress and weight gain.

a stick blender or emerision blender is the ticket for stblizing the honey in the oil but it dont last forever . i love whipped honey .
The AlienOG got some serious work done under her skirt. Lots of sucker branches removed so she can focus her energy on new growth and tops. This will also help with airflow under the canopy to prevent mold later on. Nobody likes trimming popcorn buds anyway. image.jpg

The GoldenGun still needs a lot of trimming done. She is very wide and only a 4 foot high scrog makes it a lot of crawling and stretching. At least I'm getting in my yoga. :Pimage.jpg
I love my fucking dogs. I'm sitting out back smoking a bowl. It's totally silent. I looked at them and whispered "What is it?" and glanced toward the gate. They both took off running at top speeds to go check on my command. Spent the next 5 mins on high alert and one just went back to check the fence again. Good guard dogs.
Its been a crazy week. One of my husbands friends had all his plants chopped and just left in a pile while he was at work. Sounds like someone with an agenda against him or against weed in general. He had a license and everything so it definitely wasn't the police. People can be such assholes. They don't realize some people actually need these plants for medicine. Im not just a recreational toker. If I lose my garden one season, that means a year of puking my brains out until the next crop is done. Even buying meds from the club doesn't manage my condition as well as the organic meds I grow myself at home. Some good organic Headband or Sour D manages my symptoms better than anything else.

Been trying to load pics but they won't load for days. I'll keep trying though.
I went to the feed store yesterday and got a bale of beautiful leafy green alfalfa. From what I've read alfalfa with nice green color, thin stalks, and more leaves is supposed to be highest in nutritional value. It was a tight fit to get into the back of my CR-V but it worked. I really need to get to the car wash now, lol.

Finally I got the pic to load!

Golden Gun standing proud. This pic was taken before spreading the alfalfa. I'll take some more pics this afternoon.

On a sad note, my Cherry Sherbet looks to be male.
I love my fucking dogs. I'm sitting out back smoking a bowl. It's totally silent. I looked at them and whispered "What is it?" and glanced toward the gate. They both took off running at top speeds to go check on my command. Spent the next 5 mins on high alert and one just went back to check the fence again. Good guard dogs.
I have a 2 month old american bulldog female as a house dog,the first dog i have ever had at that age to speed off and scan the house when i say "who is it". Smart little girl im already getting attached lol but she is just a handfull. Btw very very impressive grows! Looks like your always on top of things! I try my best 2 hours a week lol
Before spreading the alfalfa I tossed town several bags of compost with a light sprinkle of oystrshell and watered in a few gallons per plant of of my homemade lacto, then watered deeply with the hose. We have pretty good tap water here luckily. Then I spread the hay around on top of that so the lacto should really be happy in a nice dark moist environment. This should really help conserve water for the rest of the summer and keep the plants nice and green through flower. This would be the perfect time to add a few tubs of worms to the soil too since they won't be as likely to cook in the heat now.

Golden Gun all mulched up around the cage. I still need to toss some inside each cage under the canopy but this is a good start.
I have a 2 month old american bulldog female as a house dog,the first dog i have ever had at that age to speed off and scan the house when i say "who is it". Smart little girl im already getting attached lol but she is just a handfull. Btw very very impressive grows! Looks like your always on top of things! I try my best 2 hours a week lol
She will probably be a pain in the butt for the next 2 years lol. My pup is just starting to calm down and he will be 2 next month. She sounds like a great pup though.
She will probably be a pain in the butt for the next 2 years lol. My pup is just starting to calm down and he will be 2 next month. She sounds like a great pup though.

Ah yes, she already talks back when she doesnt get her way. She is really clumsy though lol! She has some body weight for 8 weeks and trips over her own paws every time she gets excited haha. Well ill be tuned in here! Good luck and looking great!
Mama how wide are your those bigs (GoldenGun and..) and mediums getting now? :) much love ✌ - GGT
It took me a good minute to find the tape measure. The Golden Gun is biggest at 9x8 foot wide and 4.5 foot tall.

The AlienOG is next at 7 foot wide and 4.5 tall.

Original Sour is 4.5 wide and 4.5 tall.

Sour Diesel from clone is 3x3

Holy Grail is 3.5 wide and 4.5 tall.

Im pretty happy with the even height of most of the plants. Only a few late starts are shorter.
I guess you can just cook the buds or trim straight in the honey but I've always been taught you need a fat source. Next batch I'm going to cook Kief into the honey with no fats and see what happens.

I've been heating the kief by itself first(220f 45 minute)than add 1tbs per 4g and heat again for 45 min. in the honey.
I am making gummy bears. For my chocolate bars I mix with coconut oil.
kicks it up a notch.