growing weed in prison new help

if not weed then i think a salvia plant would be alot easyer to hide
most poeple would not know it was something to get you fucked.

Fuck Salvia! That shit messed me up. I was stuck in the ground, surrounded by grass and everyone was laughing at me and I was just some dumb 2D object that couldn't communicate with them.
thats the funniest shit i ever heard....i was thinking of trying that shit too,but in them youtube videos niggaz go bananas on that shit

I actually tried to force myself to do it again. So I went and sat down in the backyard by myself, hit it and when I felt the needles closing in on my body core, I hit the ground, did the stop drop and role to kill the effect before it took over me. I'll never do it again.

Fuck Salvia...I forgot who I was and how I got there for a second and that is what scared the fuck out of me. No to mention I was stuck in a world where I could communicate with no one and felt completely out of control.