Growing/Watering in 100+ degrees heat


Active Member
I bein growing outdoors and i noticed its bein 100+ degrees, and will remain at that for at least 2 weeks and maybe rest of summer... shud i water more than every 3 days, because i drop the water on soil and come bak like 2 hours later and top centimeter is already crispy dry.

any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I'm in SoCal & its been in the mid 90's these last few days. I'm giving my potted plants a quick watering every morning b4 the sun comes up. So far I havent seen any drooping. If it gets over a 100 then I'll move them to the shade/partial sun and see if I can gert away with watering every other day.


Active Member
i alrdy had it over-watered + over ferted, by sum guy who watered my plant one night. but its bein flushed and still recovering?

shud i do any foilage its only like maybe 4"-5" tall


Well-Known Member
no real need, but if you felt the urge, go ahead. spray on the undersides as well. any leaf curling?


Active Member
yes a couple leafs curle down
sum bottom leaves r yellow but thats just enbryo leaves i think
one leave also just curls over on side

i wish i had a camera.


Active Member
shud i mist when it drops to like 70 degrees? or at like 2 am cause it gets dark at like 9-10

shud i make tea or just water?


Active Member
i just sprayed cold water mist during coldest part of day but still sunny and know they seem all droopy at night? is this normal for at night, usually stays perked up?


Active Member
My plants love it over 1 inch a day but my hot house is only 7 feet tall and 1/2 the plants are almost touching. I fill 5 3gal bottles every day and use them at night when the water gets under 90 degrees. Don't let them stay dry to long a mister works awsome in the heat of the day.


Yeah, plants droop in the night when they are sleeping, and when they wake up they become all straight-up and perky to reach for these sunrays! :)


Well-Known Member
depends on the soil and area around you its benn 100 here and i only water every 3 days im at 2300 elavation, but i have friends 60 miles south that are watering 3 times a day and showing no signs of overwatering.


Well-Known Member
Water em at night to stop the evaporation loss, Get a spike an make a hole in your soil to deep root water as well, replace spike when done.
cover the soil with some mulch to keep the water in the ground better.
( I also have some water absorbing starch polymers called "Zeba gel" , am I use Miracal moisture control soil)

It was 104 yesterday where i live, has been in the 100s for a month now.
I only water em every week to week and a half, and only give em a 2 liter.
When it was in the 80-90s i could water every 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
Water em at night to stop the evaporation loss, Get a spike an make a hole in your soil to deep root water as well, replace spike when done.
cover the soil with some mulch to keep the water in the ground better.
( I also have some water absorbing starch polymers called "Zeba gel" , am I use Miracal moisture control soil)

It was 104 yesterday where i live, has been in the 100s for a month now.
I only water em every week to week and a half, and only give em a 2 liter.
When it was in the 80-90s i could water every 2 weeks
^ ^ makes sense if youre guerrilla growing and cant get out to water them much but if you have them in your yard or close by where you can see them more, you'll probably want to water every day in 100+ degree heat. there are a lot of variables like the drainage of your soil and how much sun you get but its a lot easier for a plant to recover from over watering than underwatering and the chances of overwatering are almost next to none with temps breaking 100
