Growing under height restrictions. What to do?


Active Member
Hey guys, im planning out a possible grow area, however the height of this area is only around 85cm. However, i am growing under a house so i can dig a bit to make a deeper grow area (but realistically only around 15-25cm extra).

In any case, my question to you growers out there is - is it possible to have a reasonable grow in this height? I understand SOG ops dont reach this height, but i do believe thats from the tightly-packed density of the grow.

My planned grow will have one to two lights under a couple of CFL's.

What height can i expect my plants to reach, and is there any way of 'stunting' a plants growth to stay clear of hitting the roof.

Thanks guys :peace:


Well-Known Member
basically with the amount of height you have.. i would really suggest using a cooltube... that way you can keep the lamp very very close to the plants without bringing the rooms heat up.... i wouldnt go for a sea of green... but rather fewer plants that you can bend.....
make sure you dont veg them longer than 2 weeks.. and you shouldnt have a problem..... also u need to make sure your growing a variety that stays fairly short... like an afghan or a lowryder....... if you can get your hands on a hurricane fan... (small version) youll be in the norms for wind and air circulation..........

take it easy......


Active Member
basically with the amount of height you have.. i would really suggest using a cooltube... that way you can keep the lamp very very close to the plants without bringing the rooms heat up.... i wouldnt go for a sea of green... but rather fewer plants that you can bend.....
make sure you dont veg them longer than 2 weeks.. and you shouldnt have a problem..... also u need to make sure your growing a variety that stays fairly short... like an afghan or a lowryder....... if you can get your hands on a hurricane fan... (small version) youll be in the norms for wind and air circulation..........

take it easy......
Ah sweet thanks for the reply.

Cooltubes for a CFL? pardon my ignorance heh, as im still getting around all the grow terminology and such, but wouldnt i only need a cooltube for a hps light? (If not perhaps i do not understand a cool-tubes function so if you could maybe explain it to me i'd really appreciate it ! :D)

I've heard of "bending" plants but i really do not understand where to go with that concept.

Thanks again for the reply though man!


Well-Known Member
Look up Super Cropping,Low Stress Training,Fim,and Screen Of Green those are all good techniques for growers with limited vertical space.I have never heard of anybody using a cool tube with cfls in them but if heat is an issue you can try to rig a cool hood somehow to have cfls in there,idk if they already make any for cfls..


Well-Known Member
Look up Super Cropping,Low Stress Training,Fim,and Screen Of Green those are all good techniques for growers with limited vertical space.I have never heard of anybody using a cool tube with cfls in them but if heat is an issue you can try to rig a cool hood somehow to have cfls in there,idk if they already make any for cfls..
i would do the scrog just train the plant thru a net of some kind and it will stay as short as you want it.the plus side is that all the bud sights will get the same lighting wich means a bigger harvest.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
With a very short space like this I would consider growing the autoflowering varieties like lowryder etc. They would stay small enough to not out grow your space.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
With a very short space like this I would consider growing the autoflowering varieties like lowryder etc. They would stay small enough to not out grow your space.
I dunno about that. Ive never grown it personaly but ive heard that lowryder seeds are not very good at all..
Get some indicas and LST them.

And cfls are good. But dont just use "a couple" your not going to get a very good yeild

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I dunno about that. Ive never grown it personaly but ive heard that lowryder seeds are not very good at all..
Get some indicas and LST them.

And cfls are good. But dont just use "a couple" your not going to get a very good yeild
I've also heard they aren't all that potent but i think some of the newer ones are getting better. I think I may try some just to find out myself and to fill in between harvests..


Well-Known Member
I've also heard they aren't all that potent but i think some of the newer ones are getting better. I think I may try some just to find out myself and to fill in between harvests..
i grew the deisel ryder and it was pretty good.the normal lowryder isnt that good but the cross hybrids are good.


Well-Known Member
SCROG would work great for you, if u check out my signature you can see a cheap noob scrog setup, but it does demonstrate the basics to what u need to accomplish


Active Member
Hah alright guys cheers for the info.

Yeah i'll definately use quite a few CFL's, im visiting my hardware store today to see what they can offer in regards to me building a CFL setup.

Im also looking at scrog and lst methods atm. Thanks a bunch guys :D

(If anyone else wants to share their idea/methods please feel free to add as i'd love to hear everyones opinions!)
