growing this summer!


Active Member
i curentaly have some skunk vegging indoors.. when the time is right i want to put them out side to soak up some sweet summer sun!! im not able to put them on my property.. im looking for local areas to plant, are lakes a good place, in the fields around the lakes?

whht other places would you guys suggest??

thanks, i need a harvest this summer:leaf::weed:


Well-Known Member
just find an area that is dont want to out them in an area where lots of people walk through or are ever around. Like most smart stoners late September to October are prime times to go bush wacking and you would be surprised as to how many people take little care in hidding the grow ops and then loozing all there bud


Active Member
just find an area that is dont want to out them in an area where lots of people walk through or are ever around. Like most smart stoners late September to October are prime times to go bush wacking and you would be surprised as to how many people take little care in hidding the grow ops and then loozing all there bud
thanks for th tips bra's:bigjoint: