growing the green in the states



hey guys and gals,i seen a program on the discovery channel last night all about pot growing in the states & canada and a little of england.medical growers,outdoor growers & well as there penalties for growing in the states and they class it as the same as herion,which is just crazy.they showed mexicans running to the hills in cali and growing football sized plots in public the cafes in san was very interesting to watch.some of there info i would say was exagerated to put fear into the general public stating that the thc level these days are in the high 20%-30% which may be true to medical strains but for the genereal grower is rubbish.

the amount of people in jail for growing or possecion of pot in the states is just ridiculous and they said florida is the indoor growing capital of the states at the moment,but the strongest pot is coming from england.

anyway very interesting to see what you people have to put up with to grow compared to canada where a medical grower can grow for him and 2 other people and they showed his setup which would have been enough for 10 people with no hazzels from the law.i think i would move to canada.



Well-Known Member
"exagerated to put fear into the general public stating that the thc level these days are in the high 20%-30%"

Huh? I would wager a large part of the general public would be intrigued by that, like I gotta get some. Another part would say I don't know if that's a lot, but I could go for some good bud. Another segment would say, stupid program,.. it's probably making potheads want to go buy more weed. I have a hard time figuring out who would get scared by such a thing, or who would have fear put into them over reefer with over 20% thc.

Regardless,.. the laws against MJ are unreal. Something has got to change. Let's start a movement.