growing spring flower


Growing Spring flower is tricky! Beating the lengthening daylight and harvesting before the revert, argh! Has anyone successfully done this to a semi decent standard? I've got 30 girls in buckets at the moment and had little choice and have to finish these ladies up in the natural sun of spring. I'm trying my best but not impressed Any advice on maximising on a unexpected situation. Im on 23 days of flower currently 10 hours of sun in the day. Good medium with liquid fert and blessed by good rain water seemingly everyday. I've stretched them out to get good light in and we getting a cool 12 degree night with a high of 17 Celsius during the day. The sun in New Zealand is very intense so there has been growth just way to cold for these girls to pump. Any extra help to maximise would be greatly appreciated or even a similar situation result would be great to hear. Thanks
Day 21 out in the 10 hour day, getting longer , not shorter! Sheesh! With another 30 odd days to finish you might want to stay tuned to see the outcome? Or offer some advice on how to max out what little will be expected ;)


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I tried a spring harvest earlier this year...the timing screwed me up. I'll stick to regular season and a late fall harvest, much harder to screw up.
Some people use milk jugs spray painted black to add heat. Fill full of water, sun heats the jugs up, they give off heat for a few additional hours. Especially if you could get some plastic over them at night to hold in heat
I guess 53 degrees isn't that cold.
Hey thanks man! That's great info and something I hadn't thought of☀️ Cheers man I will do that if I see a cold cold day forecast ;) and yeah might need to cover them if I get rain when they getting close to finish. So so many more issues haha
Growing Spring flower is tricky! Beating the lengthening daylight and harvesting before the revert, argh! Has anyone successfully done this to a semi decent standard? I've got 30 girls in buckets at the moment and had little choice and have to finish these ladies up in the natural sun of spring. I'm trying my best but not impressed Any advice on maximising on a unexpected situation. Im on 23 days of flower currently 10 hours of sun in the day. Good medium with liquid fert and blessed by good rain water seemingly everyday. I've stretched them out to get good light in and we getting a cool 12 degree night with a high of 17 Celsius during the day. The sun in New Zealand is very intense so there has been growth just way to cold for these girls to pump. Any extra help to maximise would be greatly appreciated or even a similar situation result would be great to hear. Thanks


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These girls aren't going to make it! I checked the sun hours out properly and in 4 weeks the sun hours will pass the dark hours. So 12/12 and getting sunnier. I think they got 5-6 weeks to go and when they sense the days getting longer I'm worried they going to veg when they should be fattening up :( please any advice on saving this bonzai bucket buzz?
@Sandemo I've tried two spring crops {up here in NW Florida}. I planted seeds on December 1 two years ago. Vegged under lights until January 19. Plants were pretty small and I got about an ounce per plant on average. I did run into reveg issues on some of my longer winded strains. Also lost a full 12 plant fall/winter crop to cold {while the others were still under lights} that year. I had frost on the others, but none of them died from it. Two nights of 25F burned the top buds a little, but nothing bad.

Then last year I lost {almost} everything to cold. I started earlier and had way more plants. We had a week in the 20's with two nights of 16F in January. It killed all but one little plant, that was so harsh it was hard to smoke. I did have one Sleepy Ass Blues sprout in February that I knew about and two Mystery Plants that came up in one of my pots that I didn't. The SAB almost finished before reveg, but even the Mystery Plants made good seeds and were far enough along to smoke.

To me the main advantage of growing in winter is no one is looking for it. The low yield is not an issue if you do enough plants. If you know about what length of day your plants will flower at, you know how long you have before reveg. Just do the math and hope for the best.

This is a good tool. Just enter a town near you.
Cheers man, sorry to hear about your winter blues bud! I will be trying again as I have the same main reason to do it at this time :) no one looking!! I can go big too, not plants more the numbers big. I will see how these go in flower as I've only 3 and a piece weeks before 12/12 and dark getting lighter. Hopefully give me a better gauge for next spring. Here's a shot of today, cheers.


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