Growing some ghost chili peppers!

Well my expierimental cannabis grow ended with it drying out and dying while i was in vacation...but in the meantime i planted something else and i was pleased to see it sprouted by the time i came back.

I only planted one ghost chili pepper and i was wondering what kind of light schedule i should use with artificial lighting. should i use an 18/4 like cannabis or do peppers work well with some other kind of light schedule? i only ask because winter is coming and i'll have to keep this growing indoors in a room that does not get any sunlight..


Active Member
I bring a couple of my pepper plants in every winter, got a habanajero that is like 3yrs old! But I have a back porch/patio that I keep them in in the winter, with my orange tree and kiwis. I just have all of them under flouro's on 12/12. If you want them to flower your going to need to to pollinate them with a que tip or something.


Active Member
Unless your days are shorter than mine, your going to need to run an 18/6 ;) I run my peppers just like a ganga schedule sans the 12/12.

Stark Raving

Active Member
I Grow tons of peppers too. I have had trouble getting Bhut Jolokia seeds (ghost peppers). My habeneros do great under 12/12. Lots of fruit, and the nice part about indoors is that you control how many peppers you get (by pollinating more or less depending on what you need).

Would you consider sending a fellow grower some Bhut seeds?