Growing SLower w/more LIght???????????


i have one plant and 200w CFL's of lighting. I have put slow disolving nutrients in my soil...Although it is the same size as a week ago. Whats upp? I am about 4 weeks into it. Should i use the nutrients that helps flowring so it grows stronger and faster or is it fine?


Well-Known Member

so many things can be at work and you don't give much info so it's really hard to say. Time release nutes can be dangerous because you never really know how much are being released. With nutes over doing it can cause some serious issues, whereas going too little will lead to slow growth, but takes much longer to cause as serious issues. Anyway, nutes are only one of a number of influences on growth. Some others would be light (and 200w of cfl isn't going to provide enough light to grow past a certain size), co2, oxygen, root space, temperature, etc... Any of these items the plant requires can bottleneck it; for instance your topic says "Growing slower w/ more light?" and the typical reason for this is because of increased heat. Heat can be a bottleneck, so if you're too hot, no amount of light, nutes, or anything else but cooler air will make them grow faster.


Well-Known Member
^Agreed, we need more info. How big are they now, and what sized pots are they in? Are they showing any deficiencies, odd coloring, etc... Those nutes you've added, as mentioned, was a bad idea. It's soooo hard to know if they need fed or not, because you have no idea what they are getting, right now.


My air is about 60 degrees, its in a 16" pot, The plant itself is 18" tall and all the leafs are as green as the first summer grass. It looks beautiful just not gowin as fast as it was.


Well-Known Member
60* is a bit too cold, and is likely slowing them down. If you can, bump it up to the mid-70's, and that'll help. That might not be your entire problem, but it's definitely an issue. :)

Or, it could simply be hungry. Hard to say.


Well-Known Member
yep, 60 f is toward the low end of what you want at night for prolonged periods. If it's 60 in their day it's too cold. Not to say that is the only factor leading to slow growth, but it is certainly the most obvious.