Growing Sativa Under Cfls


Well-Known Member
well am new to the site so i haven't had time to read all the stickes. So i have these plants growing under 200 w Cfls, they veged for one month and got to tall for the space so i forced them into flowering, the flowers have come out and all but they seem to be stuck i don't see any growth (plant or bud) the seeds i used were assorted so am not sure what strains but i know there all sativa, any one got any ideas ???
Sativa plants stretch like a mother fucker during flowering. If they were too tall for the space during veg, that could be the problem. With CFLs you dont usually want to grow real tall plants anyway due to the poor penetration. If you post some pics Im sure an expert could help you more than myself.


Well-Known Member

well thats one pic, but the plants are very green and bushy (odd for sativa i know) but maybe it could be a hybrid am not sure but the leaves are fat but not as attached as leaves from indica,and am in Africa so we do a lot of agri here and usually when plants aren't getting enough light there usually a little light green but these are dark green other than the hight they look healthy


Well-Known Member
i grow with cfl's, but haven't tried any pure sativa's yet
sativa's take their time, so your experience doesn't sound too unusual
curious how this will turn out, subbed if you want to update the thread with pics


Well-Known Member
well then might as well show all 4 plants ( the grow box looks ghetto i know but this is my first indoor grow)



Well-Known Member
look pretty good, seem to be on the sativa side
i think you're doing well, how much more stretch i can't tell you
but count on a good wait, that is the price of sativa's - some of them anyways


Well-Known Member
ya i was thinking about that in fact i was reading this article about equilateral sativas there very slow growing but am not sure this seed is indigenous but i din't really get to choose my seeds am waiting for them to flower to see what they resemble most
Every strain is a "hybrid" at this point. I heavily doubt anyone has PURE sativa or PURE indica. Its just impossible after thousands of years of pollination

Sativa plants stretch like a mother fucker during flowering. If they were too tall for the space during veg, that could be the problem. With CFLs you dont usually want to grow real tall plants anyway due to the poor penetration. If you post some pics Im sure an expert could help you more than myself.


Well-Known Member
can't provide too much feedback on where these originated(by appearance)
if it's a mystery pack, could be anywhere, and there is huge variety, that i do know
the one compact one is interesting, same light intensity for all of them?
that looks a bit more on the hybrid side


Well-Known Member
yes light is all the same and i rotate them every 2 days, the short one could be a diff strain but it has been week and droopy all the way through am not sure what went wrong


Well-Known Member
i had an idea yesterday but i wanted to ask before i attempted it , would it help the plants if i set them under sun light a few days in a week would it make them get stronger or would the movement make them worse, i ask because a few days of the week am home and can make sure to keep an eye on them in case of visitors but i some of the days am gone so i can't risk it being a fully out door grow


Well-Known Member
i have seen others do this, so it can work
i will point out 1 danger - bugs - the inside of your house is usually bug free, you could bring in some unwelcome guests
so judgement call, depends on your outside setting, and what insects you have around


Well-Known Member
well i have heard you can use some oils to deter spider mites and aphids does it matter which oils?? and i have also herd of coffee being used as an insecticide for outdoor grows


Well-Known Member
insect repellents is a topic in itself, very involved
probably the worst thing you could bring in would be spider mites, i know, i did
not fun to get rid of


Well-Known Member
GOOD NEWS the ladies have began to move again, most of them still don't look too good(i sprouted new seedlings cuz this grow might not go as planed so am ready for round 2)
(a)i have faith in this one tho she looks very healthy and even tho the heights is going faster than the bud i can see progress

(b)this is the second one it has a little hairs but it looks real skinny

this one looks like hemp the leaves are so thin and the way its branching but it also has hairs am waiting to see how it ends up

ok last one is still stunted its prolly going to not make it but funny enough because of the photo period its budding too, the only reason i still have it there is just in case it develops a good top then i think al consider it a win but as you see compared to my hand its mini and still looks like a sat cuz of the leaves

this is its bud site its little but happening anyway

there all diff strains cuz in Kenya this how you get your seeds

these are all dif strains indicas, sats all mixed up i d k which is good hopefully al find a good one i can make a mother in the future , am sprouting like 30 just to see if i can find something a little more indica for better indoor growing especially cuz i have to roll cfl

but these two ( a,b) look like they have similar genetics but (a) is doing so much better

these are some bud sites from the big lady


Well-Known Member
i'm impressed, some not bad looking sativa's under the small growers friend(cfl's)
i think you're doing great, yields may be modest, but this is why indica hybrids exist
you may get some very good quality out of this


Well-Known Member
are all the pics visible i think i screwed them up a little, the growth is still slow there going into 3rd week of flowering this friday


Well-Known Member
i think i see all the pics - you have to adjust your expectations a bit with sativa's, especially if you're using pics of hybrids as a comparison
you will have to be patient, but still think you're doing pretty well