Growing Questions?Ask It Here.

6ixty 9ine

Im High, im making money, having a good ass day.
Decided to make a 'Help Thread'.
If your new, first off welcome to RIU.
Have any questions my freinds? Ask them here and I'll give you the best advice I can offer.
Might not have alot of reputation or post's, but it doesn't mean I lack in knowledge.
Everyone have a good ass day and dont ever let the police fuck with you.

Peace everyone. :peace:


Active Member
Hey there, thanks for the thread :)
I am just starting indoors but am thinking of next year doing an outdoor crop. I am in the PNW and the humidity gets to like 65% pretty constantly according to my hygrometer. Will that cause molding during flowering stage?
I'm wondering if it's worth clearing out a 25'x25' garden area or not for next year.


In my closet where I am currently germinating blueberry in soil the temperature is around 80 F and the Humidity is 60 (after lowering it from 80! mad sticky humid rain here) is it to high to grow plants? It's been days and no sprout yet :/


Active Member
In my closet where I am currently germinating blueberry in soil the temperature is around 80 F and the Humidity is 60 (after lowering it from 80! mad sticky humid rain here) is it to high to grow plants? It's been days and no sprout yet :/
How many days? Did you stick them straight into the soil?


6ixty 9ine

Hey there, thanks for the thread :)
I am just starting indoors but am thinking of next year doing an outdoor crop. I am in the PNW and the humidity gets to like 65% pretty constantly according to my hygrometer. Will that cause molding during flowering stage?
I'm wondering if it's worth clearing out a 25'x25' garden area or not for next year.
As farmers with their crops, some years are good and other ones are crappy.
Its a sacrifice you got to be willing to take. But the reward is the best that can be.
As for mold, around 60% it doesnt seem to bad. Im sure they will be fine my freind.
It also depends on the strain. Which kind of seeds are you using?

In my closet where I am currently germinating blueberry in soil the temperature is around 80 F and the Humidity is 60 (after lowering it from 80! mad sticky humid rain here) is it to high to grow plants? It's been days and no sprout yet :/
Not at all. Also it takes anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks for a seed to sprout in the soil.
Just give it time and keep it moist, they like that kind of stuff :)


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. Ok I'll prob just try it out and plant like 15-30 outside and keep the rest inside. It's just I hear people say they get 2-4 lbs per plant for outdoors, is it the same quality as indoors if you take the same care and give it the same love? Would a dispensary reimburse you for your grow costs the same for outdoor quality as indoor?
Cuz if I'm doing a pound every 3 weeks, in a 6 month period , that's about 8.5 lbs. Outdoors....let's say you get 3 lbs each at 20 plants from one harvest...that's 60 pounds with less plants.
Am I missing something? Or is that about right?

6ixty 9ine

In outdoors the yeild definitely varies and yes you can get pounds per plants if properly grown. You would have the contact the local dispensaries and see if they will purchase your marijuana. But it has to be a certain strain so you should contact them before choosing your seeds.


Active Member
Is it safe to sprout seeds in jiffy pucks? What about fox farm ocean forest? I've used ffof to sprout seeds but is the jiffy pucks safer?


Well-Known Member
Does excessive heat slow down flowering?... Example.. say you have a clone that's vegged for a couple months, you want to flower it, it's been a week on 12/12 HPS schedule, and still only new growth and no bud sites, but temps of 100 degrees F +. More info available if needed... just a recent question I have, figured I'd see if I can find the answer before starting another thread. Thanks.

6ixty 9ine

Jiffy pots aren't good at all, it's come in the bio degradable netting, and the marijuana roots grow so rapid that they get twined in it. You can use them, but your going to have to rip that netting off before the tap root grows thru the bottom.

6ixty 9ine

Does excessive heat slow down flowering?... Example.. say you have a clone that's vegged for a couple months, you want to flower it, it's been a week on 12/12 HPS schedule, and still only new growth and no bud sites, but temps of 100 degrees F +. More info available if needed... just a recent question I have, figured I'd see if I can find the answer before starting another thread. Thanks.
100 degrees+? Jesus dude. And also did they have any pre flowers before you switched? If not then it could take another week to two weeks to start showing signs. I only think sativas grow in that temperature well and those have up to 12-16 weeks flowering periods my friend.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
so heres my question.
my gf who is 6 foot 5 about 312 lbs (slightly on the heavier side), tripped and smashed my grow tent. completely flattened it. so i started to yell at her and she raised up and got in my face all chest pushing me around the room. she started throwing punches at me but im a slippery fighter so i bobbed and weave a bit to avoid getting hit. after missing 4 punches she got angry and grabed me slmaing me to the floor. she then left and said im going out to have a few beers with the girls.
any ways my question how do i fix my tent?

6ixty 9ine

so heres my question.
my gf who is 6 foot 5 about 312 lbs (slightly on the heavier side), tripped and smashed my grow tent. completely flattened it. so i started to yell at her and she raised up and got in my face all chest pushing me around the room. she started throwing punches at me but im a slippery fighter so i bobbed and weave a bit to avoid getting hit. after missing 4 punches she got angry and grabed me slmaing me to the floor. she then left and said im going out to have a few beers with the girls.
any ways my question how do i fix my tent?
Simple, you cant.
Imagine a enormous boot stomping on a hamburger, no way bringing that juicy baby back!
OK so I recently switched to a 250W HPS from a 2ft 24W T5 after the seeds germinated and out grew the starter pods. After having the HPS on for about 9 or 10 hours, the temp wopuld reach 100 degrees, with multiple fans in the room trying to bring the temp down. I decided to switch from the HPS to T5s to help control the temp. I got 4 4ft 54W T5's for two plants in a 2ft by 4ft room thats about 7 and a half feet high. Unfortunately, the T5 set up is too long for my room, even trying to hang it up at an angle. So what I did was stand the light up against the wall and put the plants in front of it. This is a paint version of what my set up looks likes. Ive had it like the for 2 days now, and I'm definitely seeing growth from the plants, and I'm rotating the pots every time I see the plants start to lean towards the light. I'm just wondering if this set up will continue to work for me until I get a bigger room where I can hang the lights. (Probably won't get a new room for awhile, wondering if I'll be able to use this set up semi-long term, 6 months or so)


I should note the thing on the right is a fan and the arrows are the direction the fan is pointing, towards the plants but over them so I dont break their stems.

6ixty 9ine

You need to get them hanging soon.
Try to get a cooling fan or a portable AC unit to put in your grow room for the HPS.


Well-Known Member
When growing an auto strain (I am getting a few with this order of seeds as freebies) what is the better lighting set up for them..
24/0 with 250 watt HPS
12/12 with 250 watt HPS
or 12/12 with 1000 watt HPS.
those are my lights.. I just have no experience with auto's... even if have a link to a good thread with info - that would rock.


Active Member
IMAG0141.jpgThis is my second grow. I have four plants outside in pots. I have been feeding them pure blend weekly. They have done OK and are standing about 3-4 feet tall. They started flowering over two weeks ago. What should I be feeding them to maximize the bud development? Is it normal for them to flower this early? -jeff