Growing promising bag seeds, need guidance.


A while back i got 6 bag seeds. So i decided to plant them.
We germinated the seeds in water and planted them in small pots.
We have a very small indoor DIY setup.
For the first period we have the 3 pots under fluorescent light (30W - 6500K) in a 1m high cardboard box with 3 holes on an upper side and a PC fan at the opposite bottom. The light is about 4 inches from the plants.
Soil is organic and fertilized. But we got some sand like nutrients with an NPK of 7-6-7. We're watering them every 3 days approx.
After 1 week, plants are almost 15-
We dont intend to go too pro and advanced, just growing decent weed to smoke up with friends.
We also got bubblegum seeds, and OG Kush OR blue cheese (most probably BC from what reliable sources informed us) we didnt plant any of those yet.

What do you guys recommend without going into grow rooms and whatnot. We dont have the space. But we do have the possibility of moving outdoor as soon as the plant is strong enough.

Any pointers as how to figure out what these seeds are or good idea to succede in our grow?


Well-Known Member
You want the fan in the top of box taking air out, with the intake on bottom. That way you draw cool fresh air over plants, and not the hot air from top down on them.


The fan is pumping air from outside into bottom and top holes are venting out the air from the top. The plants are kind of slightly dancing from the fan's air. I read that its better that way.


Well-Known Member
Yeah esp since they are growing....really 50-100w per plant depending on space and size of what ya growing and amount of space and how well you can control your environment bro but i mean it will work for a bit....I started my first 3 bagseed under 2 32w 3000k bulbs which are flowering color lol. and they had that for their whole first month or more :)