Growing outside


Active Member
Hi. I'm new here, and I just have a few questions about growing outside. I've looked around on the internet for answers, but I couldn't find much help:

1) How long does it take for it to at least sprout out of the soil? I'm growing them in a pot, and I just planted 2 seeds (in two seperate pots) about 2 days ago. I know I'm not suppose to get huge results right off the bat, but I would just like to know when I would at least see a little stem poke out, just to know I'm doing it right

2) How much sun should they get? For mine, they get between 9-10 hours a day. Is that not enough? What I've been doing after the sun goes down is putting them in my closet. I know it sounds dumb, it's just a regular closet, no special lights, but I don't want it to not get enough light/heat

3) How much water should they have before sprouting? I've been giving them about 200ml one day, then the next I just squirt about 25ml on the soil, so that they dont completely go bone dry (then I just repeat the cycle)

By the way, this is my first time growing, so if there's anything I'm missing, please give me advise. I don't care if you make fun of me, everybody starts somewhere :)

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Yes, I germinated it. I read up on a lot of stuff. I know a lot more than I did, but I'm mostly not sure when I will finally see it sprout out of the soil.


Well-Known Member
Hi. I'm new here, and I just have a few questions about growing outside. I've looked around on the internet for answers, but I couldn't find much help:

1) How long does it take for it to at least sprout out of the soil? From 2 days to a week I'm growing them in a pot, and I just planted 2 seeds (in two seperate pots) about 2 days ago. I know I'm not suppose to get huge results right off the bat, but I would just like to know when I would at least see a little stem poke out, just to know I'm doing it right Patience is a virtue in growing

2) How much sun should they get? For mine, they get between 9-10 hours a day. Is that not enough? What I've been doing after the sun goes down is putting them in my closet. I know it sounds dumb, it's just a regular closet, no special lights, but I don't want it to not get enough light/heat Growing outside will allow the plants to follow their natural path. If it's warm enough where you are, let 'em veg for now and then they will start to flower when the days shorten. Ideally if you're messin around bringing them in and out, aim for 24 hours of light. Let 'em grow and grow some more. Then flower 'em

3) How much water should they have before sprouting? Damp only consistantly I've been giving them about 200ml one day, then the next I just squirt about 25ml on the soil, so that they dont completely go bone dry (then I just repeat the cycle)

By the way, this is my first time growing, so if there's anything I'm missing, please give me advise. I don't care if you make fun of me, everybody starts somewhere :smile:

Thanks in advance.

Check the posts ..... a veritable wealth of information...........


New Member
If you live in az you are starting them kinda early. You as many day light hrs as possible during veg and less during flower.


Active Member
So far, it's been almost a week (5 1/2 days) and nothing has happened. I think I might know the problem; I planted the seed about 1 inch-1 1/2 inches below the soil. Is that too far? Will it take longer and still sprout?

I also have another question. I've been germinated a few more seeds. One of my seeds' roots is about an inch long, but it's not even a seed anymore; It looks like a mouth (or if you know what the Rolling Stones symbol is, the lips with the tounge sticking out, it looks a lot like that). It also has little spikes comming out the side, which might be other roots. Can I still plant it?


Active Member
Thanks, I'll try that with my next plant.

Bad news; I uncovered my seed because my friend said that it should take this long. Turns out both of my seeds died :(. I'm germinating some more right now. One of my problems is my friend said that my pot was too big. How big do you think the pot should be? I'm not sure how big mine was, but it was probably 1ft tall and maybe 1ft across.