Growing Outdoors For $


Well-Known Member
Many of you are WAY too biased.

Some people don't like to smoke weed. Myself, it's ok. If I'm at a party or something, and a joint is going around, I'll take a hit. Maybe even two. :p But for the most part, weed is expensive and illegal, and if you live in an apartment like I do, you can't smoke inside. There's a lot of hassle in smoking weed, and in some cases, the consequences far outweigh the benefits of getting high.

Now, as for selling, we're not just greedy assholes. Many of us are just guys/girls who like to garden (I'm growing all kinds of flowers and veggies, too), have crappy jobs, and want some spare cash. I'm in need of a complete PC and BMX bike upgrade. That isn't cheap. :(

And in areas where decent weed isn't available a lot of the time (read: not Seattle >.>), growing may be one of your only options.

Don't condemn us because we don't like to smoke as much as you guys. We have our reasons to grow for sale, and not for smoke. :(


Active Member
To grow and not smoke, is like a vegetarian baby seal clubber. I also plan to sell half, and half for personal use.


Well-Known Member
This thread is killing me,99% of the people in this thread have bought more mj in their lives than they have grown,if it were'nt for commercial growers there woulda been no pot to smoke at all.

Why dis the commercial growers,as far as im concerned they are doing us all a public service,especially for the people who are too afraid to grow,have brown thumbs or simply do not wish to grow,to those people commercial growers are a god send.


Well-Known Member
This thread is killing me,99% of the people in this thread have bought more mj in their lives than they have grown,if it were'nt for commercial growers there woulda been no pot to smoke at all.

Why dis the commercial growers,as far as im concerned they are doing us all a public service,especially for the people who are too afraid to grow,have brown thumbs or simply do not wish to grow,to those people commercial growers are a god send.
I agree with panhead.


Well-Known Member
i only have one plant so i wont be seeling a bit of it.

my next grow i hope to have at least 6 fems. and depending on how much i get out of it i may sell a little to a few of my close personal friends. as for setting up shop in front of the quickstop.. i dont see that happening.



Active Member
This thread is killing me,99% of the people in this thread have bought more mj in their lives than they have grown,if it were'nt for commercial growers there woulda been no pot to smoke at all.

Why dis the commercial growers,as far as im concerned they are doing us all a public service,especially for the people who are too afraid to grow,have brown thumbs or simply do not wish to grow,to those people commercial growers are a god send.

"nature brings you closer to yourself. so grow"

very logical arguments...
We all can learn form the many points of view and motives that drive indiviuals to what they do. So wheather one grows to consume or sell, I guess in the end it all comes down to personal prefference and disposition. :peace:


Well-Known Member
i smoke about half and sell half but once i get some money im just gonna buy like 1/2lb to sell then just smoke everything i get from my plants


Well-Known Member
no not necessarily if you grow for yourself your still saving money from what you wouid have to buy to smoke yourself

but you're still paying for it. maybe not as much, but your still spending money. it's ok to sell a little. they call this "recovery costs". no one is expected to work for free. :mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
you have to at least sell enough to cover grow costs. otherwise you're still paying for it.
:hump: and there is constant overhead in growing.....the setup is the biggest bite and usualy 1 time...but maintinence..nutes..soil and power...all cost money all the time..:joint:


Well-Known Member
I've been growing for years, both indoor and out, and have yet to sell any. I give it away freely when I'm flush, mostly to fellow cancer patients. We are having hard times right now and I'm considering selling some of my next harvest - due around mid July.


Active Member
Back in the sunshine state, I sold a lot. Probably 3-4 ounces a week. No brick weed(regs). All high grade and it just doesn't make enough. It will get you by but thats about it and the obvious benefit of having bud and everyone smoking theres with you. It's kind of a win/win but a lot of paranoia swirls around when you deal. Most of the time, I was pretty good unless it was a bigger sale and I was just being cautious. More so, the people you sell to are paranoid. I, myself, smoke just about everywhere. If I pass anyone, they usually just smile or join in. Selling pounds is just too risky. I had enough friends that would swing by and just pick up; Now, that I'm up in the colder, lonely, northern states, I just build micro-grows and grow a bit outdoors, guerrilla style.
I have quite a few friends that would rather not smoke, but drink or eat pills like nobody's business. Everyone now-a-days has an addiction, even if they have a med card, its still something they are consumed by. Whether it be drugs, religion or some meaningless sport or hobby. To each his own, I've bought bud and still do, especially since it will be forever until this outdoor stuff is done, if the rabbits and deer ever leave it alone. Marigolds and piss are just obstacles for them.