Growing outdoor north island nz

Rural place out the west coast bro.i got a gangload of super skunk x afghan from a mate. But if you want to order online i can recommend a site that hasnt let me down.
Rural place out the west coast bro.i got a gangload of super skunk x afghan from a mate. But if you want to order online i can recommend a site that hasnt let me down.
Would u be willing to sell me some bro? Id rather get them earlier than getting them from overseas haha
Nah nothing bro allgood. I dont know how to do pms on this thing bro lol. But yea for future reference use seedsman. Select stealth shipping for your order bro. Three weeks tops every order for me.
Kiwi kush add me in fb I need new seeds I fucked min
Add Cody Smith
grttt @ outlook . co . nz
My fb email
I will give u $ for the seeds
I used to grow outdoors (mid Sept to end of April) an hour north of Auck 20-40 yrs ago. Some got through but need to be small & cheeky. Helicopters & pot hunters from Auck were a problem. More subdivisions, lifestyle blocks & opossums not great either. Moving indoors is the way to go.
I find the seaons change alot and the semi bud then stall
I used to grow outdoors (mid Sept to end of April) an hour north of Auck 20-40 yrs ago. Some got through but need to be small & cheeky. Helicopters & pot hunters from Auck were a problem. More subdivisions, lifestyle blocks & opossums not great either. Moving indoors is the way to go.
I find that the seasons change and some of them bud then stall and re-veg if planted to early. I like to wait until its warm and make sure my holes are ferted,big and drain well.might be the strain aswell im not sure but i start putting out earliest mid october through to december.
South island!not north island!!!

Yo, is it possible to start planting outdors in august? And what kind of seats? I have to put them directly at the first day outside in my pots because I can't have them inside. If August is not fine when is the earliest date when I can start putting the seats in my pots?

Chees Cody
We plant no earlier than late october. North island gisborne