Growing out doors in the uK


Well-Known Member
Im growing two feminized plants in pots out side in my yard...Anyone else from the uk doing the same? If so what are your experiences this time round are yours just starting to flower now? How ,long will you leave them to ripen and do we think the British weather will hold long enough for those trichs to get cloudy? Cheers


Well-Known Member
I don't think the weather will be warm enough although I be wrong. I wish you the best of luck though and would love to see your results!


Well-Known Member
well mine so far have done great. we have had a lot of rain but mine just kept growing. sept is a pretty stable month so i hope to finish off on a high :D


Active Member
I had mine outside, like you say, it grew great even though we had a lot of rain. The weather was so consistently dull that I decided to move it inside. I was afraid of root rot. I bought some grow lights and it began to grow like crazy. I am 4 weeks into flower and have several weeks to go. As I understand it, it would be late October before the day light/night ratio would be ok for the plants to flower. Again, I didn't want to take the chance and definately wanted to get some bud sooner rather than later. Are your's flowering?

What kind of seed do you have? I heard that northern lights is pretty good outside in the uk, but I don't know what it is like to smoke.


Well-Known Member
I had mine outside, like you say, it grew great even though we had a lot of rain. The weather was so consistently dull that I decided to move it inside. I was afraid of root rot. I bought some grow lights and it began to grow like crazy. I am 4 weeks into flower and have several weeks to go. As I understand it, it would be late October before the day light/night ratio would be ok for the plants to flower. Again, I didn't want to take the chance and definately wanted to get some bud sooner rather than later. Are your's flowering?

What kind of seed do you have? I heard that northern lights is pretty good outside in the uk, but I don't know what it is like to smoke.
this is mine today at 3/4 weeks

mine are ICE. high yeild, up to 15 oz for outside :o

i think its on target :weed:


Well-Known Member
mine are flourishing one is over 5ft and like a bush!!! I can see the early signs of buds so i want to know how I deal with the 8 week flower cycle. If they started on sept 9th to flower its gonnabe end of October beg of November....any 1 have an experience of this..will the frost get my babys?


Well-Known Member
i was hoping i only had about 4 weeks to go hopefully missing the frosts. a sheltered spot is better if its frosty


Well-Known Member
do you recon they can take it during Mid October onwards..did you induce the flower cycle to speak?


Active Member
Generally the frost holds off until November but I was worried about the damp/rain etc causing rot and fungus - especially in the bud. We are not at 12 hours daylight yet and since that wont happen till later in September, there is a relatively short period for flowering. I thought about keeping them outside and moving them inside in the evening but it seemed a lot of work and it is a big heavy pot! Good luck.


Well-Known Member
my grow has been completely natural, just good old British sunshine and rain. sept is usually a pretty dry month and so is october, mild too.

if it does get too wet and cold i will have to build a shelter or something :(


Well-Known Member
Are yours just starting to flower? What strain? When do you plan to harvest mate?

mine is ICE,

i am a grow virgin, ive just looked round the net and got the info i need to get this far. mine have been getting hairy for about 4 weeks now. i have other plants that i did at the same time and they are a little bit behind the one in the pic.
i think the weather is mild enough to get the harvest in time, if not you can get fleeces and stuff to protect them i think:weed:

i am hoping mine are ready by the middle Oct