growing out door questions?????


Well-Known Member
I plan on growing out doors. My question is do you think I can have a success rate if I just get my seeds to germinate and then plant them in the woods and and leave them there with out any attention? They will not be in direct sunlight, but will be in a wooded area.

What outdoor strain would you get or does it matter? Thanks for your help.


Well-Known Member
1. They could possibly do alright without any care... but then again, maybe not. If they don't get enough water at their location, they will die.

2. Cannabis plants NEED direct sunlight. You'll have to look around for a location which gets more direct sunlight.

3. Try bagseed. Its free... so if you fuck up, you won't be screwed on the money spent on seeds. Usually, bagseed is just as good as any purchased seeds.


Well-Known Member
if the only bag seed I get is swag, will the marijuana is crap will my grow be crap also?

Can you plant near a creak and that help with water in the soil. Are there any tricks you can give me? I can't be there to water or I would. This is way out of town of where I live.

I know you say they need direct sunlight, but with out it will they still grow but just yield a smaller amount?

I was thinking about trying northern lights, know of a better outdoor strain I could use.


Well-Known Member
if the only bag seed I get is swag, will the marijuana is crap will my grow be crap also?

Can you plant near a creak and that help with water in the soil. Are there any tricks you can give me? I can't be there to water or I would. This is way out of town of where I live.

I know you say they need direct sunlight, but with out it will they still grow but just yield a smaller amount?

I was thinking about trying northern lights, know of a better outdoor strain I could use.
Shwag is only shwag due to the way it was handled after harvest. Drying, curing and storing errors are what makes it brown, dry and smell like a barn. You can take a seed of the shittiest weed you've ever bought... and if you dry/cure it correctly, it will be dank.

Yes, planting near a creek could help... but it could also hurt.

Without enough sunlight, the plant could die... if it gets just enough light to survive, the buds will be very disappointing.

I don't know much about other strains. I only grow bagseed... and I grew Tangerine once upon a time. Tangerine was the best weed I've ever smoked.


Well-Known Member
My question is do you think I can have a success rate if I just get my seeds to germinate and then plant them in the woods and and leave them there with out any attention?
There are a few things that can go wrong outside because the environment is different to a grow room.

Lack of light will make the plants stretch. Stretchy plants are easily knocked over by wind and even the weight of rain on the leaves once the plant is big enough and stretched enough, that even water will do that.

Look for a sloping bank facing north (assuming ur in the northern hemisphere) so that it gets the full day of sun. If the bank is dry, dig out a little catchment bowl around where you intend to plant, so that water running down the bank will build up around your plant. In the bowl dig a deeper hole and put some potting mix and plant your girl in there. Cover over the potting mix with whatever you can find around the place, bark, small stones etc, so that when it dries a little the wind wont blow it away.

If the soil on the bank looks moist then just dig a normal hole and put in your potting mix and plant and do the same thing with the mulch on top, no need to dig out a catchment basin.

But whether its possible or not, you will need to go back and check if you have any males amongst ur crop. Which is why its best to grow a mother first and take cuttings and plant them, because you know for sure theyre female.

As for good outside strains. I have always grown affys outside when i was growing outdoors. But there are lots of strains to choose from. I want to at some stage do an outside grow with my master kush plants, that will happen shortly i think.

But here is a link to some choices


Active Member
Since this thread is up, and I had a few questions I figure I'll just ask them in here. I live in the Midwest and am in the stages of thinking about a summer grow. I figure I could achieve this with the great soil and the steady precipitation that we get up here. However, I am a little iffy on the temperature at night.

I've read numerous posts stating that the ideal temperature for growing is 70-80. This is wonderful, having that the average high in the growing months here is right around 80. However, the average low is right around 55. Will temperatures that are this low kill off my plants? If so, is there anything I could do to make this work for me?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I dunno who sells it but what you might be after is a strain called matanuska thunderfuck. Bred for conditions in Alaska. Its expensive though.


Well-Known Member
I have been growing outdoors for years, and its best to start indoors and take out when they have a couple sets of leaves. Unless you can water every day in the beginning, or you get plenty of rain.


Active Member
all pot plants will grow regardless.....though sunlight is the best. Here 's a trick: When growing in indiscriminate areas (low light/highlight) saturate and furtilize the areas prior to planting..............then let area dry. Depending on rainfall ( 1 to 2 times atleast per month) refertilize and saturate again , then let grow wild until October................I've had great success!