Growing my first time!!


New Member
Hey guys, this is my first attempt to grow and ive done some research and h ave learned alot from this website and posters! thanks in advance to all of you hard working growers that show us the light!

well right now im using this as practice im attempting an organic grow for the first time, my camera sucks so i will do my best to post as many pics and ask as many questions as possible. the soil mix im using is 30 % compost manure 30% perlite 30 % peat moss 10 % vermiculite..

i purchased a ph tester from home depot to check ph, nitrogen phosphate and potassium

and i tested the soil the ph is 7.0 nitrogen readings show medium and the phosphorous is a little high .. the potassium is medium ,im using a 4,25'' flower pot for the seedling stage then transferring it to a 5 gallon eco pot it helps ventilate and drainage. .( im practicing for when i buy the good seeds an auto flower should i plant in the 5 gallon or transfer? i heard its bad for budding if you transfer autos) i know i will have to water frequent due to perlite vermiculite and the 5 gallon pot..

i will upload photos of the chart and the tubes of what im using to measure ph and all. . im attempting and indoor growth while its a seedling i will use a small restroom closet 2x1 then moving it to my closet 5x2 10 ft high . , what kind of light should i use, in the small 2x1 ? dont want to burn my plant im using a cfl26/41/GU24 26w 4100k for the seedling and as soon as ve start i plan to switch to , 2-150 w hps until or should i just start with 150 w hps right from seedling and jump to 2, 150w hps at veg? which lights do you guys recommend?

im air-cooling with a fan idc if it stinks in here no one cares everyone smokes in my aprt. im not trying to get caught either but i will use a small fan to constantly deliver airflow to the restroom lol .. how often should i feed my plant and what should i feed it while its a seedling..for the first week or 2 ? ?

what should be the temperature and humidity ive done countless research and right now the temp is 75 low 71 high 79 humidity i at 60 ...and does it need a light before it sprouts?

as soon as it starts to vegg.. im planing to use fox farm trio or General Hydroponics Flora series which i have heard great results using it on organic mix..
which do you guys recommend i buy??
thank you guys my respect and i apologize if i misspelled
or punctuated im just exited! thanks im advice!!:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
auto plants it is best to start them off in the final 5 gallon pot u plan to cut them from

4100k is to low ............that is the spec the plants do not use really u need 5100 5400 6500k for veggie

organic soil ......order this go box............has a plan for the full life of the plant on the side (the mix is for one us gallon 3.79 liters)...........rem autos do not like full power feedings start with 1/4 and work way up to 3/4 and hold if see burn move to 1/2 and hold ..............but basically the first month u just feed the microbos in the soil keep them happy the soil does the rest .........flowering is when u really add in bio bud calmg+ liquid squid soil organic feeding farms and floura are hydro mostly but can be used in soil but they kill off the little micrbosin the soil that ph the water for u

as for watering them and feeding them it all depends on the plant and the stage .............u get the bag feel how hevey it is now with no water try to rem this once u water the plant pick it up and feel auto in flowering gets 26 to 32 fliud ozs every 24 to 36 hours and that is in a 3 gallon soil bag


New Member
oh u will need to order 1 ml pipettes this makes it easier to get feeding mix right /cutting it back

did i miss any ?s sorry tired

you speak like a pro i dont really understand what you say by 1/4th strength then put it on hold can you please be detailed in what you are telling me ? im sorry for any inconvenience i really want to get this down! since my practice seedling will pop overnight ! thank you for everything


Well-Known Member

like i said they have a plan on the side of the box............and it is in MLs so autos...........being a short life and in soil do not like a full power feeding when u mix up the feed for them u reduce the amounts instead of giving the 5 mls of feed u give one 1ml and 1/4 for that so it is at 1/4 power the plant gets older u increase it 2 and 1/2 mls.....that would be half str


Well-Known Member
the maximum power u feed a auto plant is 3/4 str feedings any more u u always see burning from to much

if u see it burning (leaves get brown tips on all the points ) then u reduce the str of the feeding back to 1/2


Well-Known Member
not a pro just did alot of work and learned from some trail and error

ok here is my best advice to help u get started and almost 100% get it going .................go out and buy some Jiffy plug refills ( these are great ) u take the plug u soak it in a bowl of warm water (78 no higher then 84) squeeze it a few times get little of the water out then take a toothpick/needle and poke a hole 1/2inch down ..............take the seed (look at carefully find the bulb or round end and the point ) now take this make sure the bulb is down and the point part is up (huge important)........take that plug move it to the center of the planter with soil (2 good soils are fox farm ocean forest and black gold FFOF is little hot leaves will be dark green black gold coming up great) ......make a hole in the soil and put the plug in take one cup of water and soak the soil around the plug ..............walk away do nothing for 3/4 days u have sprout .................on the 4th day u give one cup water little on plug rest around again.............3 days later u give 2 cups of water half cup on plug rest goes around it ......after this u can start feeding i use bioweed/bioroot/blackdiamond for the first 2 weeks then just bioweed/bioroot since the soil is that good

get yourself a waterbottle in walmart gardening section they sell a spray bottle with fluid ozs on the side ...........2 cups of water is 8 fluid ozs u want to keep increase the number as the weeks go by to up to a full bottle (32 oz) ...................and this is when the weight of the planters u will learn but at first go every 2 days if they seem droopy and the pot is light then every 24/36 hours

oh since u are learning not spray the leaves if u start the plants keep wanting it and hassle with time ........just soil feed(water the soil )............first watering will go great after that u have to water alitte wait for the tension to break and the pools to go down then u can start slowly pouring on the bulk going around

those 2 soils i told u .......u need to do nothing but put it in the pot they are mixed up for planters with perlite

sorry spelling and grammer gets worst as i get tired dsylexic...............ask if anything is well makes head hurt i will slow down and reword


New Member
not a pro just did alot of work and learned from some trail and error

ok here is my best advice to help u get started and almost 100% get it going .................go out and buy some Jiffy plug refills ( these are great ) u take the plug u soak it in a bowl of warm water (78 no higher then 84) squeeze it a few times get little of the water out then take a toothpick/needle and poke a hole 1/2inch down ..............take the seed (look at carefully find the bulb or round end and the point ) now take this make sure the bulb is down and the point part is up (huge important)........take that plug move it to the center of the planter with soil (2 good soils are fox farm ocean forest and black gold FFOF is little hot leaves will be dark green black gold coming up great) ......make a hole in the soil and put the plug in take one cup of water and soak the soil around the plug ..............walk away do nothing for 3/4 days u have sprout .................on the 4th day u give one cup water little on plug rest around again.............3 days later u give 2 cups of water half cup on plug rest goes around it ......after this u can start feeding i use bioweed/bioroot/blackdiamond for the first 2 weeks then just bioweed/bioroot since the soil is that good

get yourself a waterbottle in walmart gardening section they sell a spray bottle with fluid ozs on the side ...........2 cups of water is 8 fluid ozs u want to keep increase the number as the weeks go by to up to a full bottle (32 oz) ...................and this is when the weight of the planters u will learn but at first go every 2 days if they seem droopy and the pot is light then every 24/36 hours

oh since u are learning not spray the leaves if u start the plants keep wanting it and hassle with time ........just soil feed(water the soil )............first watering will go great after that u have to water alitte wait for the tension to break and the pools to go down then u can start slowly pouring on the bulk going around

those 2 soils i told u .......u need to do nothing but put it in the pot they are mixed up for planters with perlite

sorry spelling and grammer gets worst as i get tired dsylexic...............ask if anything is well makes head hurt i will slow down and reword
awesome !! this is great ,

its ok im just kinda high riht now lol i understand but first i need to order the nutes you told me about first right? i alread have a seedling right now.. i just realized i planted it bckwards!! the circle facin me the openin down towards the ground?!! i switched it just now lol.. its growing.. i did it gently tweezers..

its indoor norrthern lights autoworker. organic and this sounds just about right.. for the light i dont have a ballast i have it on a 100w flc very my restroom closet humidity 60 temp 71 the closet has a 3 inch opening at the bottom the thing is i have it on a clay pot oso i guess i should transfer it to the 5 gallon smart pot i bought? or untill it grows more because it will stunt the grow !!! i plan to scrog and lst ..


New Member
and do i deed to get those soils you mentioned? i know where to buy them..should i nnot use the 30 % composted cow manure 30 % peat moss 30 prlite 10 vermiculite..? and just go buy fox farm and that? .. my guys are seedling on the current mix..


New Member

  • ..........3 days later u give 2 cups of water half cup on plug rest goes around it ......after this u can start feeding i use bioweed/bioroot/blackdiamond for the first 2 weeks then just bioweed/bioroot since the soil is that good

    let me get this straight so 3 days after it sprouts i water it then you say you begin feeding bioweed bioroot blackdiamond only 1/4th strength .. but when? 3 days after i water it the first time after it sprouts when its just a seedling? wont that kill it?

    doesnt the soil mi i made already have nutes for like a weeek suposedly? so when it sprouts i sstart feeding it the nutes? is it ok to use purified water?​



Well-Known Member
ok i am a little drunk on shine right now .......finishing off my personal bottle from last brew time to make anouther up

yes order that grow box do one hell of a job on that soil for u not forget the pipettes
as for the soil u can order from amazon ( look around some offer free shipping) if u have a hydro store in your area u can look up reviews (some states that are not legal cops will stake out the stores copy down plate numbers to cars and then take your trash middle of the night to see if u are a raidable target not a urban myth they are dicks like that )............those soils i told u about FFOF is made for growing weed .........the other one is just a really good soil made by the same ppl who make the best one (sunshine#4).........those 2 i told u do nothing to them just put in the pot and use

if u can move the soil in to the new pot u should as soon as u can since the taproot only has 60 to 70days time autos always start them in the final planter (think of the tap root as a underground tree as it grows up it needs to grow down.............the jiffy plug method i told u will get u a 3 to 4 in spourt by day 5 (u might even need to prop it up untill stem thickens sometimes happend to me 3 times out of 7 grows)

ok from the first day u put that plug in the ground it gets one cup then nothing for 4 days then again one cup 3 more days after that (day 7 total) u give her 2 cups water/start the feeding here..........once u get that spray bottle that is 32 oz............i have been filling it to 26 and giving it 1 ml of bioweed and bioroot and calmg+ then spliting the 26 oz between 2 plants untill about week 3 then they get about 26 oz each ..........around week 4 and half they move to 32 oz and hold untill i flush and cut them

the jiffy plug has speical mix of soil and horomons to help make the plant root faster .........the bioweed and bioroot act as a secondy supply and promoting to the plant to do its thing .........the black diamond is prue carbon (this helps the little micrbos in the soil with acid things later helps keeep the PH of the soil )........i had my last grow run great on ph 6.5 for soil most of the way ..................bioweed and bioroot are fairly weak ones but have speical chemicals that trigger responces with in the plant so that are almost safe to use at full STR with autos and calmg+ has no value in NPK at all so always use at full power is the bloom and the grow that are the strong powerhouses that can burn i our little girls

the soil u made up has a alot of good stuff but getting the balance of zinc and iron and all those other things (honestly it is cheaper to buy soil unless u are making up large batches say 50 gallons of soil) the first set of soil i made up i was off really bad the 2 soils i told u about are given great results better then my last ones with my own made up soil

with soil here is the math 1 gallon of soil equals one month of plant growth ...................what we are doing is only maximumizing it...........the soil basically has enough to grow is the flowering (bud) stage we are enhancing the bio weed (causes the plant to branch and make mutli bud sites) the bioroot (causes the roots to grow and branch out under the ground) ......the calmg+ helps the buds and the stalk/plant grow strong .........the biobud makes them thick and tastier.......the squid is just a really good thicken/bud growing thing diamond is prue carbon to make the soil mircbos happy .................grow and bloom are just the goods stuff the plant needs to grow during that phase


Well-Known Member
u help so many people out thats cool man
my mom taught me to be nice ............the more i help ppl the more i learn while doing the more i learn the better i can do for my own .the better i do the less i stress .less i stress the happier my life is ...and the goal of life is to be happy and content with what u have

plus i need all the good karma i can get ...............replying for 11 years of well assholish so 33 years of being nice and the books are even (so far 13 years in and the benifts are great hot ass wife and i am the luckiest SOB on the planet she is bi and i get 2 sometimes ) ............if it was legal i already been told she wants to marry me too


New Member
ok im gonna buy fox farm ocean forest and light warrior "The best results we have seen from well known soil that is available nationwide is Fox Farms “Ocean Forrest” soil combined in a 2-1 ratio with Light Warrior."- subcool

how do i mix it in a 2-1 ratio the soil? what does it mean. after i do that im just gonna leave it like that maybe add perlite and vermiculite and then use the nutes for it

wjat are the pippetes for? for nutes?


Active Member
my mom taught me to be nice ............the more i help ppl the more i learn while doing the more i learn the better i can do for my own .the better i do the less i stress .less i stress the happier my life is ...and the goal of life is to be happy and content with what u have

plus i need all the good karma i can get ...............replying for 11 years of well assholish so 33 years of being nice and the books are even (so far 13 years in and the benifts are great hot ass wife and i am the luckiest SOB on the planet she is bi and i get 2 sometimes ) ............if it was legal i already been told she wants to marry me too
good shit man!


Well-Known Member
to mix is simple .....2to1 means 2 parts to 1 part 2 bags of FFOF to 1 bag of light warrior

get a big bag(55 gallon black trash bag) and a big box(if your order all from one supplier box works) ...............put the bag in the box and order 2 bags of FFOF anf 1 bag of light warrior (make sure they are the same size bag 12 quarts or 1.5 cubic feet they must match all 3 ) then add all 3 into the big bag in the box and then use hands to mix all up ...............and then u scoop it out into the planters and it is all done
u do not need to add anything just mix them both up and use........u paided them to do all that adding in the extra stuff just for weed plants hence the price and why u picked them

yes the pipettes are for the nutrients it has a spot to make a hole in and those fit tho and u pull out 1 ml and add it to the water repeat (the box has a plan on it 5 mls 10 ml and all this u can do the math to reduce if need be is why i linked the 1 ml ones instead of the 3 ml or 5 mls it just makes it easier on u to know what u are doing)

and just to add to the notes u gained Sunshine #4 is the best mix for weed it does cost alot but it is well the number 1 shit on the market for big growers farms and black gold (this is same ppl as sunshine #4 but a more main stream soil on the market ) are 2 good soils for us hobby growers