Growing monsters

There are literally thousands of grows in rural Northern California. You have to either be in an area where they're specifically cracking down, or have a neighbor complain, or be tweeker trash where the cops are coming out every week, before they care enough to shut it down. They only "know" in the sense that they fly over sometimes and say "I guess that guy has weed", otherwise they know as much as anyone on google satellite view. A couple hoops and some full sun isn't really cause for concern, they're mostly looking for cartel grows with thousands of plants.
Do you have a some special permit to grow like that? I cant imagine the government not knowing about a grow that large...
yes every county in California regulates Cannabis growing. We are in a very pot-liberal county. Many counties are very restrictive. Our biggest headaches come from the Calif Water Control Board. California is in a drought & All counties require a permit from the CWCB to legally grow cannabis. They will bring the county sheriff and code enforcement inspector when they come to check compliance....this can open a very big can of worms...
Excellent! Everyone that “dreams” of that life, might think different after a few grows. It is an incredible amount of effort. Thank the good Lord above for trimmers!
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