Growing Mids with CFL (Experiment)


Well-Known Member
They do look pretty good, but they could look a lot better if you stopped overwatering them. All of your plants are droopy like this one>

when you get your watering right, your plants leaves will be shooting UP and not laying down. It took me about 3 grows before I finally stopped overwatering and my plants started to look so much better. Good draining soil helps alot too. I mean A LOT!
Keep 'em green.


Thanks for all the compliments guys. I got those y splitters at lowes for like 2 bucks a pop and that crazy light fixture that i have is from a lamp someone gave me. Its one of those lamps that is tall and you can move all the lights on it in like any direction, like a spider but with 5 It is pretty ideal for the job.

And those pics with the droopy leaves are what my plants look like when they need water. I prolly took that pic right before i watered them. I watered them last night and they are all perky. I just carefully water each plant until i see any water coming out of the bottom of the pot. It seems to work very well.

Also i have upgraded my grow room. I bought a shelving unit at walmart for about 30 bucks and now my plants have much more room and it is not as difficult to mess with the lights. I also have much more room in my closet now. My other box i built i think was going to be too small at the final stages of flowering but i will use it again for drying my weed.

Last thing.....the plant i was starting to train is a hermie im pretty sure. I saw a couple of balls but mostly hairs. My roomie put it in his closet with a few lights. Cant waste. Its the last pic.

Look at these pics and tell me what ya think. I think the bud shots were at 9 days flowering. Peace, Love, and Green:eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
i dont think ur plants will get u high like mids its prolly gonna get u way higher than that lol
you got that shit right.... its amazing what a lil tlc can do.

nice plants! i notice your still spray feeding/watering tho from the last set of pics... you dont want to do that for too much longer, could lead to mold on the buds.
everything else looks beautiful tho. keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
yeah, those y splitters are awesome. its easiest way to double the number of lights. i would try to get a couple of those lights down around the sides of your plants. with cfls it seems like the best way to get your plants to fill out and not stretch as much is to try and surround them with light. oh, and i believe the mutli-armed lamp is typically called a medusa lamp if anybody cares to know. but overall your plants look really healthy!


Thanks for all the comments and feedback guys. I was feeling a little lonely at first but so i am really glad to see some advice and questions come in.

Thanks for lettin me know about the misting cause i was wondering if i should continue with it. How much longer you think? I also got a cheap lamp from a friend today.....rigged it with a Y splitter and am now gettin the lower buds some better light. This will be my last post until i update on Sunday, but feel free to keep me busy with questions or whatever. Peace, Love, and Green:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
no problem man. i wish i could say the same for my own journal, but i've only gotten like 3 comments on mine and i started not long after you. oh well, what can you do. haha.


The Hairs are starting to shoot now! Little mini buds are popping up everywhere and the plants just look very healthy overall. My plants that are blooming very well right now are Myrtle, Sweet Thang, Foxy Lady, and Little Debbie. Virginia is the smallest plant so it is taking her a little longer to get with the program, but she has a well developed bud on the top so thats pretty straight.:blsmoke: My other plant named Rita Skeeter is Kinda stretched out at the the top but there are a lot of side colas starting to bloom good.

These pics are great to i think. All i got is a 5 megapixel camer and a 4x magnifying glass.

Look back often this week. I think i am going to make a profile of every plant and post them up daily.....just for the hell of it. lol. Well enjoy the pics and keep the feedback comin. Peace, Love, and Green :peace:


That 5hit

Well-Known Member
there's a guy on here that says he gat 4+ oz's off his cfl grow with the same amount of lights
so good luck . keep on growing


This is Virginia. She is the smallest of all the plants at 16" tall and 12" wide. She has 8 side colas which are pretty small and most of them are budding. She has 21 bud locations overall. The Last pic is of the main cola. Keep comin back for more profiles. :mrgreen: Peace, Love, and Green. :joint::mrgreen:



lookin real good man. I guess your experiment is going according to plan. They look pretty nummy to me lol, keep it up.