growing lowryder


hey people, new to growing here so bear with me if i ask some dumbass questions. Thinking of growing lowryder outdoors in the uk, what i know so far about this strain; easy to conceal, grows to knee height and an all round good plant for a noob grower.

my questions

1. how regularly must i water it? (need to really know this one coz i dont wanna go to my grow site more than needed thus lowering chances of getting caught)
2. roughly how far away from the plant would you have to be smell it? dont want theives/police finding my stash =]

and just any additional info that you think i must be informed of
all answers are very very very appreciated thanks for your time. peace out :peace:


Well-Known Member
hi if you want to hide it you should plant some tomato plants next to it, they conceal them perfectly, and there ment to keep certain bugs away, as for watering it depends on a few things like heat soil drainage and the size of the plant, but on average its every 3-4 days, just stick your finger in the soil down to the middle joint and if it feels damp or when you pull your finger out if theres soil stuck to it then there fine, if its dry water, as for smell they do give off a good amount when in flower but again planting tomatoes and some other strong smelling herbs will mask the smell abit, just dont plant it close to where anyone can walk next to it. good luck


thanks man great answer :) one more thing id like to ask do you know a good website that i can order feminzied lowryder seeds from? the obvious answer would be to type it in on google but its just the prices that have got me coz ive seen 5 seeds for £45 and the same again but at £25, of course you get what you pay for but then again i dont wanna be ripped of buying £40 when £25 ones are just as good


Well-Known Member
never bought seeds b4 mate always done from clone so carnt help with where to buy, someone will answer about seeds, but if it were me i would buy some good genetics seeds then once you have paid the extra pounds just use clones from then on, so you only have to buy them just the once. these are ment to be good