growing kits.hydroponics, areoponics, soil??

smokey grower

Active Member
ive never grown cannabis before,i want to. ive been researching, theres many ways and methods.
i want to buy a full complete growing kit, im willing to spend £200, give or take £50. the question is which type. hydroponic?? areoponic?? or good old soil??. can any of you help?
i want it to be as easy as possible. i want one kit i can use from germination through to fully grown if possible. i want to make money from this so its essential to have several plants.
im a joiner by trade so a could make a decent growing box.
im wanting to grow in my garage if this helps.
thanks ppl hope u can help and get me on my way


Active Member
growing in a garage is not a good idea, you need a very clean, and well ventilated grow room, i have no idea how much it would cost for you, but i know that i can set up a decent simple hydroponic system with a 10 gallon fish tank, to hold 4 plants for about 56 dollars, if this is of any help to you, i would reccommend going with a simple hydroponic system, or soil, unless you are really dedicated, to spending lots of time watching over your plants, and have lots of free time to spend, and money too, i wouldnt reccommend doing an aeroponic system, the simplest way, and best way in my opinion for someone who has never grown before, is just soil.

may there always be a nug in your bowl


Well-Known Member
i think you should start off with a couple of plants in soil just for your first grow, instead of putting a bunch of money into this then think its to hard and quit or somthing, and to give you an idea on how to do things


Well-Known Member
i would go hydro, i made my system for less than 50 bucks (not including lights) and you will get a better yeild and faster grow. bubbleponics is very easy too, as soon as you get some roots going it pretty much grows it self.