growing is time consuming and hard work...


Well-Known Member
so far my little 4 plant grow hasnt been to much work on a day to day basis. most work i do is when i haul the pots out to the bathroom for watering but thats only every few days. setting up the tent and hanging the lights took some effort, but now it just seems like sitting and waiting. im growing in soil though which is probably a lot less work then hydro or aero setups. waiting truly is the hardest part


Well-Known Member
there are days i can't even bring myself to go into the grow room. and that is why i like growing in soil because one has that luxury. hydro is another thing. i'm fascinated by it but it is too labor intensive for my taste.


Well-Known Member
there are days i can't even bring myself to go into the grow room. and that is why i like growing in soil because one has that luxury. hydro is another thing. i'm fascinated by it but it is too labor intensive for my taste.
Once you get a hydro dialed in they practically grow themselves.. I only have to ph mine bout once evry 3 dys. I think the biggest key is getting a good well balanced nute.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think when my wife said "You should just stay home with the kids"..............I was as excited as a kid in a candy store......MORE TIME TO GET MY GROW will be some kind of legal here inTX before too long.peace
Right there with you, brother!


Well-Known Member
Sitting,watching,waiting,admiring,sniffing.......this is "hard work"......y'all get it:).peace
your in a wheel chair I can see it being a challenge setting things up that are out of your reach.
you have a bad back and can't lift a bag of soil. I can see that being a challenge.
your on crutches. I can see that being a challenge.
don't take for granted what might take you 5 minutes might take a handicapped/disabled person an hour. That can be hard work.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy taking care of my plants, but what about people who are's a lot of constant attention a sick person may not be able to do......
this sick person could have a friend,friend of a friend,cousin,parent,brother,sister,aunt,uncle,daughter,son, caregiver etc....
grow some for him/her and there you go!


Active Member
My husband has Lymphoma and he can't walk a lot...and the attention needed is a lot when U can't walk and carry water and have no automation...


Well-Known Member
I am disabled with failed back syndrome, and have 9 discs herniated, bulging ruptured etc. I have been growing for the past three years and Yes, sometimes it is hard work. Lifting bales of grow medium, moving lights, water barrels and stuff, but... I love every minute of it.On bad days I can sometimes not get out of bed, I use water crystals in my pots to cover for that. Spending the time in my grow area is the best part of my day and my favorite hobby. I would recommend it to anyone. It is a great feeling sitting back and seeing what you've grown and a better feeling smoking it. lol. In the summer I manage to get a few holes done too and let mother nature try to compete, lol. Bitch always wins but she cheats.