growing indoor tips


I have a white locker thats about 2 ft wide by 6 ft tall.whats the best way i could set it up to grow bud in it?how many plants will fit?lighting?soil?nutirents...etc..:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey,, it depends really onhow much u want to spend. Personally Id go with maybe cfl's in a nice airy soil mix,,I use MG and perlite,40% perlite.
Id try maybe 3 plants in there, or four smaller ones, but they would probly yeild the same in dryed smoke. Lighting with a big cfl250 plug and grow??, or a few smaller ones., I think HPS maybe to hot in there.
Nutes would depend on what soil you use,, at the moe I grow in a cupboard with alittle less space and have two nice plants,could get 3 smaller ones in,, this cupboard after this grow its going to become my veg room and the tent I got Jardin dr100,, will be the flower room to start a perputal sort of thing. anyway back to you...
so do you have a budget? well try 2-3gallon pots, Id try get good air circulation too,maybe a small fan or smothing to that effect, rember holes you make now will let light in when you flower so that wont help. Is it completely light proof? your locker?

anymore info you can give would be great.. hope that helps abity,..
Take it easy........


Well-Known Member
yeah,, well cfl's maybe the way to go. for the low heat and low costs(depending on what and if you have a bigger space go hps for all the lumens).. well I go offa 9,000 to 10,000 lumens a plant for flowering, as veg technically dosnt need as many,,but still the max should be given for best results.
, I get 19,500 from my 250watt cfl, plugandgrow, just to give you an example to work offa,

Maybe buy potting soil, and perlite to not only help it go further but to increase soil airiation.(air-ie-ation)sorry for spelling..
Do you have seeds yet? as a good indoor strain would suit that locker,,
As the lockers light proof I take it there not a vent so you should make some vent/circulation system. this helps increase growth and helps with yeild(in the long run). And if your plants are in a breeze the stems thicken up and surrport the buds that come along. Plants use up the air around them quite quickly and the more fresh air with more co2 in it the better.
. The key to good buds with cfl's is keeping them as close as possible. 1-2inchs,,saying that Ive got some nice nuggets lower down too but best to be safe and keep them close.
Whats worth buying to is a thermometer,,not expensive for a liquid one, and in my view a humidity meter. The coil ones are not to accruate(about 10% either way some say some books) but are cheap and effective, I have one and its better to have a rough idea than not knowning if you see what I mean..

As for nutes it depends,, I use bio bizz, inly the top max and bio bloom and only in flower as when vegging for 3-4weeks my soil has the nutes to get it to flower. The bio blooms high P and K, and the topmax has micro and macro nutes,Im not even sure if the bioblomm helps. However I have noticed they lack Mg(magnesium) but really the choices are endless.
Bio bizz sent me loads of info on request and are certified organic if thats your thing.Unless you want to make your own,.,. this is quite easy but I advise using dolimite lime when ever using home ferts( You can find loads of recipies on the net),, perferably in the soil mix,, to help stablize the pH. The limptus strips are a cheap way to get 0.5-1 accuracy,,use it one water/feed to know before and then test the run off to see what pH is in the pot.
I also advise, and recommend highly the Roll it Up communtiy and threads,, if you got and hour you can learn loads,, but dont take every single thread as good soild advise,,but there are some golden nuggets of info on here so have a good read and if you have problems most people are more than happy to help. Just remember pics help loads ,,and as much background info as possible will help get the best reponses.

Hope that helps abity... take it easy and good luck..


Well-Known Member
The main problem with a metal locker is you need to cut holes for ventilation. once you get that done, it makes a good home for growing. Definitely get a thermometer with a humidity gauge. I bought this one.

3-7-2010 002.jpg

Get a nice exhaust fan, Cut a hole for it and install it up high. cut another hole for intake near plant level. make sure the exhaust fan is large enough to be the dominate force in the locker. You want the air to be sucked out through this exhaust in an efficient manner. get another fan to put in the locker to add air movement so you develop strong stems.

I have only grown in hydro, so i can't speak about soil grows.
