Growing in the UK

new guy25

Well-Known Member
Hi your plants looking fine loving the sun that must be last month when it was out for all of 5 mins lol
I'm in UK but I grow indoors
seriously those are looking healthy Good luck


hey saw your asking about maybey bending a few top branches !! well got to tell you thats exactly what ive donre with all my bushy multi headed plans to even out and let light all the way through the plants!! ive actually got 1 plant that i pinched out at 1 and a half foot tall then i let the two heads grow a couple a weeks then i bent each one out to the side of the plant tyed to a bamboo cane ! ive also done this to the other main stem so each one is growing horazontal then few of the big low branches bent them out aswell so there all growing there branches strait u vertical so will have many many smaller colas !! well good sized !!! also done that with all my bushy plants and gota say doing this means you have the same level of growth from bottom to top!! just go easy bent bit at a time carfull not to kink your branches or stems!! you will maximise your yeild this way also what bloom nutes you using???
Forgot to tell you what nutes I use - general preperation of soil I added bone meal, pot ash then been feeding organic liquid seaweed and miracle growmore (liquid). Liam what is your watering regime x


Hi your plants looking fine loving the sun that must be last month when it was out for all of 5 mins lol
I'm in UK but I grow indoors
seriously those are looking healthy Good luck
Well fank you, the ladies are now in approx. stage 2 flowering - will put up me pics when I got a bit more to show ya.


I'm also in UK and mine still havent began flowering should i move mine indoors to force flowering ? Isit too late or is there still hope ?


I'm also in UK and mine still havent began flowering should i move mine indoors to force flowering ? Isit too late or is there still hope ?
No I don't think its too late - I had that very problem and I gave them 12/12 light and they looked really droopy the next day - then I realised they were in the flowering stage because the tiny white sitmas were just appearing. I believe it the age of the plant is unimportant so long as they are at least a couple of feet. How about trying it with one flower for a week and see how it goes, if it starts to shoot the little white stigmas you can try it with the rest. Good luck.


Since i began covering them they have now began to flower :) Do you have any suggestions for ferts to use while flowering ? I didnt use any for veg because they were growing well but will use some for flowering as i want to get as much as possible before it gets real cold and begins to frost ?


Since i began covering them they have now began to flower :) Do you have any suggestions for ferts to use while flowering ? I didnt use any for veg because they were growing well but will use some for flowering as i want to get as much as possible before it gets real cold and begins to frost ?
Hi Frankie
I have been using potash which is very good for budding, feeds of GrowMore (Liquid), organic seawood lightly forked into the soil around the plant and sequestered iron for the prevention of yellowing (chlorosis) and it will boost plant health. Obviously you don't want to overfeed them - but if you want a good yield feed them but stick to the directions on the packet. Hope that helps and good luck.
hi im also growing in uk well i am now lol was given this about a week ago

she is a big girl about 7ft she was in the greenhouse but i hat to bring her in she started to skink she is in the shed with a black light and 2x45watt 4foot full spestrum strip lights for reptiles and 3 20watt cfl's and a homemade carbon filter that seems to work great
i got a 90 watt led ufo on order im hoaping she is just a lil stresed from being dug up cos i think she is looking a lil better every day last pic is about 3 days ago ill take a few more pics tomrow wot u think is best for her ?



hi im also growing in uk well i am now lol was given this about a week ago

i ?
Hi Stoney
Have to say I am a first time grower and only grown outdoors, your lady does looked stressed, shock of different environment, I notice she is not pruned at the canopy to let in light and ventilation. She don't look in flower, she could be forced flowered - certainly big enough..

"Perhaps you could could also top the plant - Topping a plant refers to cutting off the tops of your plants , causing the Dormant terminal (MAIN STEM) to develop branches at the remaining nodes below that top . This is a good techniques to keep a plant short and bushy. Or you can develop many top colas instead of just one. Don't top a plant more than twice and never top when it is in the flowering stage.
Or the FIM technique also known as fuck i missed is similar to topping but instead of cutting the whole stem and everying off above that you simply find the new growth of true nodes on your plant

then you cut the about 3/4 of the growth of therfore froming up to 3-6 new main stems this can be alot more effective than topping increasing your yeild by up to 4 times in some cases

Or LST - Low stress training is used by alot of growers when they have limited grow space this technique causes the branches and buds to grow horizontally the way the do this is when the plant gets to a certain size they bend the plant down to a horizontal position then tie it down and as the plant grows they bend it in a circular motion and keep tieing the plant down until it spirals into the middle of the pot."

"posted originally by the helpful Jut".

Hope that helps. Good luck.


ok a few pics from this morning i done a lil lst on her lastnight but kinda broke a bigish branch half way through right at the main stem do i try graft it or cut it right off? she is looking a bit better and has started to flower
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Not sure - but I believe they do recover quite well.
Get a plastic drinking straw.
Cut a legnth that will completely cover the break- and extend between leaf nodes.
Split the straw top to bottom.
carefully open it up, and fit the stem inside the straw--
IF the stem is too thick- you can use 2-straws overlapping and a bit of masking tape. It will heal in about 7-14 days... but leave it on 3 weeks-- when you remove it- you'll see a thickening where the break used to be!
Good Luck