Growing in the Philippines


Hi everyone, i'm currently growing some local landrace sativa's here in the philippines.
[FONT=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]We get almost 12-12.5 sunlight whole year round. So how does the flowering trigger here?[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
Isn't that shit punishable by death there? Or is that only for trafficking? Are you a native?

I think they'll start to flower as soon as they become sexually mature, but I guess you'll have to find out. At least it being a local variety you'll know it should be accustomed to the environment.


Active Member
i've read alot of people are growing 12/12 from seed and the plant flowers when ready. dont know the pro's and cons to this tho so i would say work with what you've got. good luck.