Growing in super hot weather


Active Member
Im also having serious problems with the heat my grow room is clocking 35degrees C+ so later im adding 2 more pc fans taking it up to 4.
My leafs are curling upwards due to heat stress :wall:
yah a bit. im growing in an attic and temp get 100+ on hot days. im just about to buy a second AC for my 2 rooms. ive been splitting the AC between the 2 at the moment and it just cant compete with the super fukin hot days. the plants wilt if you dont keep an eye on them and give them water accordingly. the plants perspire more. so you water more. that is how you combat heat....
It'll affect amount of bud, that's for sure. However, it can be done at high temps. I'm indoor now, but last year I had some outdoor AK47 that turned out really nice. Went through the entire Arizona summer....I'm talking 115 degrees at times. I had some tomato cloth partially covering it at times, providing diffused indirect sunlight. Through it all, it looked pretty healthy. There was definately a period of weeks where the plants didn't seem to do much - just hanging on...very little growth. One note... they grow shitloads in north-central Mexico and it's often in the mid 90's. It may have more to do with the tolerance of the strain than people realize.


Well-Known Member
Outdoors here, and we regularly have temps 100 +. No problems last year and none this year, and they are growing very quickly. In 10 gallon pots, and I have to water mid afternoon everyday. Up until 3-4 pm the soil on top is wet from the day before, then the top few inches are dry.

Only heat I'd worry about is if I was growing indoors and the lights were too close to the plants. But outdoor heat is no problem