Growing in rockwool problems


Active Member
Hey guys, Ive been having problems with my plants in veg.
I think i was over watering them so I haven't watered them in 2 days and the rockwool is still wet.
The plants are about a month old and still not showing roots from the 6in net pots.
Stems are very dark purple.
Showing very slow new growth. and old growth looks like its dying.
I have been foliar feeding everyday with this mix:

  • 1 tsp Miracle Gro all purpose plant food 24-8-16 (any water soluble plant food will work)
    1/4 tsp (1ml) Superthrive
    1/2 tsp (2ml) Dyna-Gro Pro-Tekt 0-0-3

    1/4 tsp Epsom salt
    1/4 tsp dish soap
    1/4 (1ml) Folic Acid I use Humboldt Nutrients FlavorFul but any brand will work
    1/4 (1ml) Humic Acid I use Humboldt Nutrients HumBolt but any brand will work
    1/4 (1ml) Enzyme I use Humboldt Nutrients ProZyme but any brand will work​



Well-Known Member
you overwatered. u arr correct in your assumption. all the deficiencies come from lack of oxygen to the root zone. aka drowning


Well-Known Member
dump the miracle gro base nutes. npk values are wack as fuck. cycle your watering times around your rockwool. when your rw dries up to 20% of its water holding capacity, water again. as the plants and roots develope they can handle more watering cycles.


Well-Known Member
1. Rockwool lacks basic nutrients - i suggest growing in a better hydroponics medium or using organic based potting soil.
2. Look into growing compost cannabis - it takes time, but rotted fruits and veggies provide an excellent organic substrate.
3. Scratch the all purpose miracle grow - most miracle grow doesn't work well with some plants and cannabis is one of them.
4. Look into some Foxfarm Big Bloom and Grow Big - They've gotten much better results and are less likely to burn cannabis.

4 bits of advice for you - hope this helps :)