Growing in my house



So i really want to start growing in my house. I am an avid smoker and have developed one of those true stoner sense appreciations for all kinds of weed and want to start experimenting with some growing of my own. :)

Anyways, heres my questions.

I live with my parents, will the smell be noticeable if I grow in my closet if say I grow one or two plants at a time?

Is there an easy way (or something someone could reccomend) that I could grow inside of something so my parents would not be able to see it unless they look inside of it...say like a box?

Do i have to have fans running if I'm growing in my closet and is simply keeping the door open not enough?

Thats about all I can think of at the moment... fire away
rilly you should form an alliance with ur folks and make it a family biz lmao. tell them the sheezie ur growin will easily cover there hydro bill and help to put ur ass threw college :P but in all seriousness ur gonna need lights fans to ventilate and yah its gonna smell great :D


Well-Known Member
im not gonna suggest any ways to grow drugs in your parents house, because its them who could get in trouble, not you


rilly you should form an alliance with ur folks and make it a family biz lmao. tell them the sheezie ur growin will easily cover there hydro bill and help to put ur ass threw college :P but in all seriousness ur gonna need lights fans to ventilate and yah its gonna smell great :D

hmm...well i can manage the fans I guess, the noise is what I'm afraid of. And as for the smell I expected as much, I'll just buy like 3 or 4 goofy air conditioners and pretend it all together smells like freshly grown pot :P


im not gonna suggest any ways to grow drugs in your parents house, because its them who could get in trouble, not you

yeah, thats true...I don't really know how I would possibly get caught though, I live in BFE south carolina out in the middle of no where, I hardly even have neighbors...Maybe I should do it outside...heh


Well-Known Member
yeah, thats true...I don't really know how I would possibly get caught though, I live in BFE south carolina out in the middle of no where, I hardly even have neighbors...Maybe I should do it outside...heh
It's not a matter of getting caught. It's the matter of respecting your parent's, and THEIR home...

Don't do it outside.
shit yah if u have the land in an unpopulated area grow it out in a bush clearing. ur folks are goin to wonder where ur going everyday..than the lies begin lol i have a wild bird scrap book mom lol or i have a passion for dry pressed wild flowers lol :P jus messin


Well-Known Member
No. there is no way. Most strains have some scent to them. even if its very slight they will notice. on warmer will smell more than on average days.

Its a bad idea to grow when you live in your parents unless your parents are "green friendly" which they obviously aren't if you have to hide it.

You will get caught. and there is no way to not look suspicious. Lights are obvious...... door open = lights leaking out which you dont want when growing. the smell will be a problem. and you put your parents at risk and yourself for serious legal problems if you get caught because you tell the wrong person.

Just wait until you move out and keep buying it until then.