Growing in my closet


Active Member
lol. yeah. Do you have any equipment yet?
are you currently growing?
How many plants?
What are the dimensions of your closet?
How much Money are you willing to spend?
Do you have roommates, parents?


Active Member
im actually doin some REALLY simular shit, it involves pots, a thermometer, duct tape and FOX FARM products.. For some reason i'm getting a REALLY slow grow judging from everybody elses time frames, but it IS growin.


Active Member
I have it in a gallon bucket and am using one of those energy saver lights and a fan. My first time grow. The closet is skinny and tall and i have only one plant. Outside soil. Its about an inch and a half tall. The light is 4 inches away from it. Thanx 4 The help. Mine is also growin slow.