Growing in Missouri

well, fuck! Now I find out from some of the board of the New Approach thing, that that dec 6 date does hold true, but there will be no state forms available. You'll have to draw up a basic contract that your dr signs, that says he knows you use cannabis for abc ailments, for posession only too. And then if popo wants to mess with you, you can take that to court and prolly get it thrown out. I believe I'll stay underground till the actual apps come out in June. I will contact a couple drs tomorrow to see if they are accepting non primary clients for this contract purpose and see what response I get. Just trying to get the info out there.
great news ! i got a homie in missouri can make his own now leave me alone ha ha !!

sad story actually his father got ripped off 2 weeks before xmas for his cbd meds, then died 2 month later :( cunt 2 weeks before xmas doing that.

The great news means no more scammers if peeps can make their own meds.
Missouri has a long fucking way to go before things will be kushy.
All the bullshit crime, combined w black market will b an invite for all kinds of problems in the metro areas.
I too never thought I'd see the day, will b a long slow process before kC or stl becomes anything close to Denver in terms of mmj being socially and responsibly accepted and distributed .
Maybe 5 years from now things will catch up.
I'm anxious to go back n fire up but something tells me it'll b a few years until things are up to speed .
Missouri has a long fucking way to go before things will be kushy.
All the bullshit crime, combined w black market will b an invite for all kinds of problems in the metro areas.
I too never thought I'd see the day, will b a long slow process before kC or stl becomes anything close to Denver in terms of mmj being socially and responsibly accepted and distributed .
Maybe 5 years from now things will catch up.
I'm anxious to go back n fire up but something tells me it'll b a few years until things are up to speed .
don't think it'll be that long, but at least they are getting things goin and if it holds true, if they have 192 dispensaries state wide, there are gonna be growers having to supply them and a couple of the drs have already bought land and facilities for it to happen. In Arkansas, the Eureka Springs doc and his partner who gonna run the club in Berryville have already got their ducks in a row and are just waiting for their date. Anything would be better than Missouri draconian weed and paraphanalia laws from past. Baby steps, I reckon. Just be nice to be medically legal in this state.
don't think it'll be that long, but at least they are getting things goin and if it holds true, if they have 192 dispensaries state wide, there are gonna be growers having to supply them and a couple of the drs have already bought land and facilities for it to happen. In Arkansas, the Eureka Springs doc and his partner who gonna run the club in Berryville have already got their ducks in a row and are just waiting for their date. Anything would be better than Missouri draconian weed and paraphanalia laws from past. Baby steps, I reckon. Just be nice to be medically legal in this state.
It'll b a process. Hope it goes fast and smooth
Jackson County announced no new mj prosecutions

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- The Jackson County Prosecutor's Office says they will no longer prosecute marijuana possession cases, with some exceptions.

This comes as voters in Missouri last week supported a Constitutional Amendment to legalize medical use of marijuana.

“Voters were discerning in considering the issue,” Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Baker said.

They rejected two lesser proposals, she noted, but voted in convincing numbers in support of one measure, Constitutional Amendment 2, on the Nov. 6 ballot.
In Jackson County on Nov. 6, 2018, Amendment 2 won even stronger support, with three of four Jackson County voters in favor. Across the state, the amendment passed with 66 percent of voters’ approval. Missouri follows 30-plus other states in some form of legalization of marijuana.

Baker said that mandate from voters is directing this shift in their office.

“This changing attitude toward marijuana is something we have been seeing anecdotally from our juries for some time," Baker said.

Exceptions to Jackson County’s new policy on prosecution of marijuana possession will be cases in which facts show the person is selling or distributing the drug without proper authority. For example, the office will still evaluate for prosecution cases where the offender is found to be in possession of items that are routinely associated with the illegal sale or distribution of marijuana, such as individually packaged bags of the drug, a scale or large of cash or firearms.

The Prosecutor’s Office will continue to prosecute cases in which the possession of marijuana results in drugged driving or where possession of marijuana results in harm to a child.
Baker also announced that her office will undertake two public safety awareness campaigns in Jackson County.

The first will warn caregivers to keep packaged edible marijuana away from children as some states have seen increased incidents of children ingesting marijuana, otherwise they may face prosecution.

The second will focus on “drugged driving,” stressing that marijuana users cannot drive under the influence – that remains illegal.

“Voters spoke very clearly and overwhelmingly,” Baker stated. “But we need to keep the drug – like any drug – away from the kids, and driving while high is a serious crime that puts us all at risk.”
The prosecutor's office also noted that the actions of the Jackson County’s Prosecutor’s Office have no impact on federal policy, which makes possession of marijuana a crime.

The Blue Springs Police Department said Tuesday they will not be making changes in the near future and released the following statement:

"We will still handle these cases in municipal court, and it is still a federal violation. We will be working closely with our municipal prosecutor once a new permanent prosecutor is selected but I foresee no changes on our end."

The Missouri State Highway Patrol said their job is to enforce the Missouri State Criminal and Traffic Statutes and they will continue to work with local prosecutors during this process.

The Lee's Summit Police Department said they will evaluate the current federal, state and local laws regarding marijuana and work with their legal team to determine the appropriate course of action prior to the new law going into effect later this year.
now the truth comes out. Looks like they used the voters of missouri behind home grows to push an agenda to basically make you buy from the clubs at their exhorbitant prices. This info is from dept hhs in Mo.

DHSS Home » Licensing & Regulations » Medical Marijuana » faqs
On Nov. 6, 2018 Missouri voters approved Amendment 2 to permit state-licensed physicians to recommend marijuana for medical purposes to patients with serious illnesses and medical conditions. These FAQs are intended to provide clarifying information about Amendment 2 until applicable rules and regulations can be developed and implemented, which will be no later than June 4, 2019.

Can I legally possess medical marijuana now?
No. While the Department understands that Missourians are anticipating this form of therapy, Amendment 2 requires a series of steps be executed before medical marijuana is made available.

When will medical marijuana be available?
The Department will begin accepting applications for cultivation, manufacturing, and dispensing facilities on Aug. 3, 2019 and we anticipate medical marijuana may be available for purchase as early as January 2020.

How do I get medical marijuana?
Step 1: You must visit a state-licensed physician (not a nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant) to obtain a physician certification.
Step 2: Apply for an identification card from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (starting July 4, 2019).
Step 3: Once your application is approved and you receive your identification card, purchase medical marijuana from a state-licensed dispensary.

Will I be able to go to the pharmacy to fill my medical marijuana?
No, only a Missouri licensed dispensary facility.

Can someone with an out-of-state medical marijuana card or a physician certification possess medical marijuana in Missouri on December 6?
No. The reason is that while the possession is technically allowed, there will be no marijuana available for legal possession. There will not yet be any licensed dispensary facilities to purchase marijuana from; cultivation identification cards will not yet have been issued; and transportation of marijuana into Missouri from another state or purchase of marijuana from street dealers is prohibited under state and federal law.

Can anyone other than a state-licensed physician provide a physician certification?

What conditions qualify?
  1. Cancer;
  2. Epilepsy;
  3. Glaucoma;
  4. Intractable migraines unresponsive to other treatment;
  5. A chronic medical condition that causes severe, persistent pain or persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to those associated with multiple sclerosis, seizures, Parkinson’s disease, and Tourette’s syndrome;
  6. Debilitating psychiatric disorders, including, but not limited to, post-traumatic stress disorder, if diagnosed by a state licensed psychiatrist;
  7. Human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immune deficiency syndrome;
  8. A chronic medical condition that is normally treated with a prescription medication that could lead to physical or psychological dependence, when a physician determines that medical use of marijuana could be effective in treating that condition and would serve as a safer alternative to the prescription medication;
  9. Any terminal illness; or
  10. In the professional judgment of a physician, any other chronic, debilitating or other medical condition, including, but not limited to, hepatitis C, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, Huntington’s disease, autism, neuropathies, sickle cell anemia, agitation of Alzheimer’s disease, cachexia and wasting syndrome.
If I have a qualifying condition, how do I apply?
After you have a physician certification, you can apply with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. An application form is being developed and will be available online no later than June 4, 2019.

When can I apply for my identification card?
Application forms and application instructions will be available to qualified patients and their primary caregivers no later than June 4, 2019. The department will begin to accept applications on July 4, 2019. The Department anticipates an online application process.

When will I receive my identification card?
Within 30 days of application, if your application is approved.

What is a primary caregiver?
Someone who is:

  1. Twenty-one (21) years of age or older;
  2. Responsible for managing the well-being of a Qualified Patient; and
  3. Designated on the primary caregiver’s application for an identification card or in other written notification to the Department.
How much does an identification card cost?
$25, initially. Approved payment methods are to-be-determined.

Will I be allowed to grow my own marijuana plants for medical use?
Yes, with the appropriate identification card and in an appropriately secured facility.

When can I submit my application FEE for a cultivation, manufacturing, testing, transportation, seed-to-sale, or dispensing facility license?
Beginning on January 5, 2019.
Note: The method for application is currently being developed. The fee submission is nonrefundable. Submission of a fee is not a guarantee of a license.

When can I submit my application FORM for a cultivation, manufacturing, testing, transportation, seed-to-sale, or dispensing facility license?
Beginning on August 3, 2019.

When will I receive my cultivation, manufacturing, or dispensing license?
Within 150 days after the application is received, if your application is approved.

Are there fees associated with applying to become a cultivation, medical marijuana-infused manufacturing, or dispensing facility?
Cultivation Facilities require a $10,000 non-refundable application fee and a $25,000 annual fee.
Dispensary Facilities require a $6,000 non-refundable application fee and a $10,000 annual fee.
Medical marijuana-infused manufacturing facilities require a $6,000 non-refundable application fee and a $10,000 annual fee.

How do I get more information?
Email your inquiries to [email protected].

What is the Department doing to facilitate implementation of Amendment 2?
We are reaching out to stake holders for input and reviewing other states’ regulations to determine best practices. Check back to this website for updates and developments.
now the truth comes out. Looks like they used the voters of missouri behind home grows to push an agenda to basically make you buy from the clubs at their exhorbitant prices. This info is from dept hhs in Mo.

Im not reading your post and seeing this, im not trying to be a pita here, but im not seeing it. It looks like every other states rules on this. They make the bar for entry high and this goes to people that can afford it. As far has home growing goes, i would think that people of Missouri that are on this forum would be thrilled about this law. You will be able to throw a rock in any direction and find a doctor that will give you a certification. I mean, just read #10 on the list

10. In the professional judgment of a physician, any other chronic, debilitating or other medical condition, including, but not limited to, hepatitis C, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, Huntington’s disease, autism, neuropathies, sickle cell anemia, agitation of Alzheimer’s disease, cachexia and wasting syndrome.

Jesus, that cover everything under the sun, its basically gives Doctors the right to certify you for anything, "oh you stubbed your toe, have some pot"

Growing looks like 6 flowering plants at any given time. So you could stagger them correctly and even the most hard core pot smoker will have a glut of product available. If you did it right, you could have a new plant ready for harvest every
Friday from now until the end of time.

But going back to your original comment, yes, like all legal drugs, this is a massive money grab. Lower end people will suffer high costs, people on this forum will grow their own, mistakes will be made, jail time will be served. Some chump will decide that 6 plants in flower isn't enough and also to help offset the cost of his growing he will just sell a little weed. The cops show up and see his garden then words like "felony distribution" will be said
since I got into it with the New Approach people yesterday, I'll explain it a bit better. One of the main things, was two days ago, Mr Viets, aka leader, posted on FB that the dec6 date, if you got a note from your dr, as no forms are ready yet, you were able to "technically possess." Ok, where are you gonna possess from, no clubs, its technically not available yet. Then the state came out with the rules yesterday that I posted. You see any significance of that dec date? Right, cause there is none, that was just an atty making an assumption. State says moot point. So thats the one thing. The other is you find out that the movement is more behind the clubs than the home grower, although that was their big push in advertising and also what got them so many votes. Now, according to the state, you can't even apply till next June and the kicker is just because you have a dr recommendation, they don't have to approve you and any fees are non refundable. Im not talking a basic 25 dollar card for possession, but for home cultivation. Now to explain it like I have the other 100 times, in MO, good luck finding a dr, yes, some small town drs have SAID they would recommend, but the AMA and the MO state medical board do not recognize mmj due to fed stance. All three main medical providers in SW MO have said they'll adhere to the fed standards. So yea, they'll be drs that will recommend, just like in Oregon, it won't be your primary, it won't be if you are on medicare, or any insurance, or I mean you can't put it on your insurance, it will be cash money to a circuit dr, true a legit md, but not your reg dr, you'll have to have records and cash in hand, they don't receieve or give faxes to get your med records, that's on you. Now I suspect since there is no limit on patients for caregivers, they are gonna let you make the clubs the caregivers or not, but if they are, they'll get to grow your plants, etc, basically get the weight and numbers until you possess. Besides that, if you let the club be your caregivere, what do you think they are gonna charge for donations, lol. There are people in MO that think they are gonna get 5 dollar a gram weed from the clubs, I just laughed, they can't produce it that cheap, why would people think they'll sell that cheap. Then I find out some of the folks in the movement are already selling CBD oil which right now is illegal in MO, they've already shut down some shops in St Louis, albeit a month or so ago. That doesn't really bother me much, if they get caught, they get caught. So yea, I guess its a good thing it passed, but they kinda bullshitted people per the home grows and they are gonna control that if you want to be on the record. Black market boys will keep doin what they do. People that think drs in a red state are just gonna start handing out recommendations are in for a rude awakening. I just wanted to grow my own medicine. So I'll do what I do, until I see how the process is going. The new approach people still want to celebrate, every question I asked them yesterday, they couldn't or wouldn't answer, I was being a debbie downer, blah blah blah. By the way, Arkansas has more qualifying conditions, but you can't home grow. We'll see how it turns out. Like many have said, most black market guys just keep on, be harder to get them now with other people trying to grow. I guess just play the game with them, yes they did pass the law. That's a good thing. Again, we'll see how it all plays out.
I'm thinking that you may be reading this wrong my friend....but hey...what do I know? Kinda think those FEES and FORMS might be for the commercial side of the coin...not the home grow it is here with "OPCL" (Off premise cultivation license) Dispensary licenses...Edible licenses. Those are folks who licensed up (early) for the commercial aspcts of it all (aka...they make the $$$ you used to make) and can sell wholesale to the dispensaries if they need product. Here...the dispensaries must grow 70% OF THEIR OWN product...or more. We got rid of letting individials sell to the dispos in 2010...that unregulated fun only lasted a year or so. It was a weird deal cus it was EASY to sell to them and they paid cash....but that was when the REGULARS STOPPED CALLING. sold to them...and they took your market...selling them the same weed for more. LOL. Ass fuckin yerself...basically.

Early on.... you could give your count to the dispensary and let them grow...then SELL you back your weed. Great deal for them. They were killing it. I think you can still sign plant counts over...dunno...don't mess with any of it now that REC came along. (had a card for 10 years+)

DR's will be hesitant to sign because of FEDERAL law...and that is what they operate under on the whole. There will be rogue docs who are on the side w/no practice...or some who will just take the chance....but if it's like it was took a long time for us to just to find out WHO would step out on the limb with you and get you to write the recommendation. Then it was months of waiting to get an appt. Once we got on her patient list...we paid her $150 each per year (visit)...and then $150 to the State for the card....annually.Be aware.... insurance won't cover any of it....nor do you really want them to know what you are doing...

And hey...if yer used to more than 6 plants in yer garden now......yer illegal even under the new law.. I dunno about you...but I can't drive 55....LOL. (see below)

Alot of us here had cards and multipole grows under those cards. Post a copy of yer license on the each house.....and do yer thing. They're gonna have to be WAYYYYY all over your ass to find multiple grows and link them together. (aka..yer already fucked hard)

Co-ops will be short-lived...if they get off the ground at all. (not allowed here in CO) And hey...GROW PARTNERS are always a BAD IDEA. Never enough to go around and someone always thinks they deserve more. Beyond that...if the FED got's an easy in to "Conspiracy to Manufacture" charges and RICO charges."

Gonna be growing pains....and gonna be here....who "blow it up" and then set the tone for the future. We had a bunch of folks doing BIG neighborhood grows...5 guys in a house type stuff...and that's why they CHANGED the :LAW....without a "12 per residence"......and killed the BIG, EXTENDED plant counts on the Med side....again....without a vote.

Other than keeping them from kicking yer door in....not much else will really change. It's not as some visualize...."they got Med and Rec there ...everyone is walking around tokin up and high there".

Nope. Not even close.

good luck folks.....just don't let yer guard down or think for a minute this is about YOU...and you'll probably do OK.

Oh...and don't encroach on the new dealer's (the State) turf (sales)..... THAT'S where you'll get fucked...
I see your point, Sticky. and I may be making that mistake. I got asked this morning to help start up a biz in my county per this new law, discuss the particulars tonight I guess, took me a lil by surprise. But again, I think you are right, but again, here's the deal. You can pay for your card in Jan, but won't get it till June, simple possession. IF you can get a dr to write down a recommendation, then you are covered. Right now, Im not hearing of any, even from the movement people, there are none that have come forward yet. But Im already hearing of the county ordinances like in OR, noise, smell, nuisance, etc. Granted they'll prolly be fought in court and eventually won, but its not gonna be the peace love dove hippie movement people here seem to think it is. 5$ a gram meds, lmfao, can't believe folks think that here. I don't want anything but to be legal, I can stagger and perpetual 6 plants, two at a time per month and never run out and never go over limits, and if I run out, then I'll go to the club. But yea, the big hoorah shit, then to find out clubs be open first of 2020 or end of 2019. And they aren't clear yet on the possession including the home grow, or if just possession only, no home cultivation, but you apply in June on application even if sent in money in Jan?. It'll get worked out, most of us will keep on keepin on and hoping for the best. I liked New Approach movement, but when found out main officers are selling cbd paste 20 dollars a pop already, etc. and have their facilities already bought, SOP I know, what's funny is one place is supposed to be in Sarcoxie, very close proximity to OK, AR, and MO. Wanna take bets on any goin out the back door to the other states? But I'll hold off and wait and see, and at least get my 25$ possession up to 1/2 lb. Then see whatsup with the legal home grow. I did the club dance out in OR, why I just want to grow my own. Thanks for helpin brainstorm, though @StickyFingerzzz @muleface questions don't get answered unless they asked. Funny thing was, by the end of the big discussion on New Approach's FB page, numerous people were like me and they couldn't answer our questions, like why did dan viets mention that dec 6 legal to possess info, when the state clearly states that's not the case. But many said they'll just call the state Dhss monday and find out exact answers. Was a lil amazed at the New Approach folks wanting to celebrate 4 days later instead of getting to work, butthen I realized they are behind some of the big money already waiting to come in on club scene and cultivatin scenes. Thanks for the venue to get the info out, RIU and like minded folks, greatly appreciated.
We had MANY growing pains here in CO. I's an 18 YEAR old program @ this point in time. At first...folks were getting RAIDED right and left. (don't set the hps up in the living room grandpa..."legal" or not) All of it here was in slow motion. Case in point....we didn't step into the mix until late 2003 and we were 2 out of 700 or so in the State who held cards. Almost 4 years in...and only 700 folks had found the 2 (I knew of at the time) doctors in the entire fucking state who MIGHT write the recommendation!!! It was tough stuff. I lucked into getting this doctors phone number, and after months of waiting for another " Clinic" to be held.....we got appt's and ended up meeting her @ a fuckin New Age the backroom....LOL. It was all very legal...but it was still all very behind-the-scenes. The STATE wouldn't recommend doctors...nor would they say WHERE we were suposed to source genetics. Not their duty under the law was what you heard most from them when you'd call to inquire or pitch a bitch. At first it took FOREVER to get cards...even when the law said "30 days". fuckin's the state and state laws....and yer a goddamn who is gonna care? Stand in line to ride the ride's all you can do.

As far as counts/etc.....with 6 it obviously becomes a SIZE game. If they are counting...maximize across the board and go as big as you can.

Get yer ears on for docs who will play...and expect them to want paid well for their services. Ignore the big you've figured out...they are positioning. As far as doing something on your own...sounds good on paper...but remember...everybody else is thinking this is their in as well...and those WITH THE MOST CASH will be the ones playing. Everyone else will just waste time/$$ finding out how big the pond truly is. Once you step into the >business< arena...the great profits once realized from being a sole proprietor with no controls quickly go away...just like running any other business....sorta (taxes/fees/utilities/wages/insurance/lawyer/lawyer/lawyer) And keep in of now....pot businesses can not deduct expenses like other businesses. Ouch.

Anyway....I wish you...and everyone else in MO well however you decide to approach it.
@StickyFingerzzz , in Oregon before the medical black market got em to drop their numbers and weight after rec got voted in, the dr visit was 175, the license to state was 100 and you had to send registered mail and could use that receipt as your legal paperwork till you got your card in 30 days. Now they tell me they just cut back on issuing med cards in OR. I guess you save almost 300 a yr. And at least the simple card in MO isn't that much, but again, everyone is waiting on that dr bill, lmfao. Peace and karma dudes

Also, to note: no mention of limit of patients for caregivers, no limits on smaller non flowering plants, I did see the seed to sale mentioned in the text, but apparently that don't matter as CO had that and you got GPS selling seeds all over the world. So imho I just do what I do, wait till I hear of any drs, and go from there.