Growing in coco? Why would you?


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here's a cut and paste job from g. low's book, "integral hydroponics."
check my post again kreskin, i gave him FULL credit, lol....
smokin too much are ya???
LOL, you did ha! I'm blaming it on the the amount of edible I'm doing (around a gram a day or so of C99 concentrate), then smoking everything new coming in on harvest. I'm in the full howl of a strain survey harvest. I've been mixing dozens of strains almost constantly testing each new one and comparing, so yeah I'm definitely in orbit and missing shit :) But next time please at least capitalize the book's name, PLEASE? I'm sure I'm not the ONLY impaired, or lazy LOL, grower here, RIGHT? Thanks, although I'm still chuckling over this one :) Good catch Silky!

who wants or needs to babysit a plant outdoors in coco ? :wall:
Yeah, I think the same thing, then I think about you guys and mites and budworms and powder mildew OH MY!! shudder................. and I crawl back indoors.

Also I think alot of people replying to this thread were to wacked to realise they are in the outdoor section.but ya get that on a weed growing forum
Nope I realized where I was. Hubby is starting to want to grow. He's now messing with MY grow!! I made the mistake of going to the RIU BBQ (everyone should go), and allowing him to tend my rooms.

I came back to him wanting to mix my reservoirs, asking to water, wanting to trim and transplant and well you get the point. So I'm getting him set up to garden outdoors. He's a big boy with a LOT of energy and I don't want these indoor delicates crushed and trampled, the fans are looking a bit rough from his 'tender' ministrations.

He needs plants the size @doublejj grows, you know you fall on them they kick your ass, THOSE size plants. The more my hubby cares for mine the more branches go missing. So I'm getting ready to hand him the shovel and point him in the direction of the out door beds. But since most of them are made up of coco from my old pots I figured this would be an informative thread and now you have my explanation for how I ended up here.

Now to finish this Gorilla Glue joint :) while I wait for my edible to kick in............


Well-Known Member
who wants or needs to babysit a plant outdoors in coco ? :wall:
Hey @TWS i always break up and mix coco bricks 40% in with my promix hp 60%, do you think this is this a wasted effort? it always seemed to me that the coco held more water than the promix, so i used it for water retention. ive never had any problens but do you think id get better results with just the promix?
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Well-Known Member
Hey @TWS i always break up and mix coco bricks 40% in with my promix hp 60%, do you think this is this a wasted effort? it always seemed to me that the coco held more water than the promix, so i used it for water retention. ive never had any problens but do you think id get better results with just the promix?
I started mixing mine as well and my yields increased by a good margin. Well worth the effort for me now that I experimented and saw the difference.


Well-Known Member
I done coco outdoors last year its was hard work alot more work than soil i had to water everyday when it was really hot. picture in my sig is hash plant in coco/perlite mix


Well-Known Member
Hey @TWS i always break up and mix coco bricks 40% in with my promix hp 60%, do you think this is this a wasted effort? it always seemed to me that the coco held more water than the promix, so i used it for water retention. ive never had any problens but do you think id get better results with just the promix?
Coco mixed in with another medium outdoors is great . I like roots organic as a soil because of the coco but just had a bad experience with bugs coming in it so haven't been back. Can happen in any soli/soiless medium.
But as far as straight coco outside I don't want to work that hard.:mrgreen: