Growing in Clay


Hi guys. My last grow didnt go so well(died mysteriously 6 weeks in :cry:). Now, I have found a new location, with several different kinds of soil there. I have a section there that has "bagged" soil, another section with the normal soil , and another section with soil that seems to be the consistency of clay. I am planting 10 trees; a few at each location. Im wondering if anyone has experience growing in clayish soil. I will post pictures as soon as they pass the one week mark. Also, when transplanting them after 2 days of growing, I think i snapped a small peice of the root for a few, will this effect the plant?


Well-Known Member
I do, my yard sounds similar. for the clay areas its kinda easy to plant separate plant cuz when you dig a hole it makes almost its own pot in the ground that I fill with compost or potting soil or whatnot.

You will be watering clay spot alot, the surrounding clay robs the soil of moisture.

Or at least that how it seems to me.
I've written a similair post. They're only shwaggs seeds that I threw in but I still want to do what I can for them. I know that there has to be stuff that you have around the house you can use to help the clayish ground. I will agree with the watering all the time thing, since the clay appears wet for a long time after I watered I thought they wouldn't need much water but the seedlings I started inside with the same clay were suffering badly .I watered more often I saw an immediate change for the better.