growing in an attic?

Is it possible to grow in my attic in the winter? can you tell me what i need to make this a successful grow, and what kind of lights i should get and where to buy them, the cheaper the better.. how many bulbs? and watts for each? thinking about doing between 3-5 plants


Active Member
papa smoke,

1. yes
2. reading and research and possibly more questions
3. for your first time, something simple. Maybe a self ballasted light fixture. MH for veg and HPS for flower
4. get them online through google shopping. and manufacture many different light fixtures and have retailers near you.
5. the size of the bulb and reflector you buy determines how many plants you can place under it. if you only want 3-5, you want something that can cover that space that they will take up. anything will probably do it. But you want something roughly like a square meter or more of coverage. 600w would probably do it.
6. how long it takes you will depend on how much research you do. generally plants will finish flowering in 9-12 weeks depending on the strain. some people stack another month ontop of that for the veg period, some less. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
not to be a dick but search around if your to lazy to search around then your to lazy to grow alteast grow anything worth while
and yes you can grow in a attic i could grow on mars as long as as i had lights h2o nutrients and co2


you definiltly can what kind of attic is it i grew once in a Right triangle shaped attic to hide from my mom when i was a teen was succesful but i didnt hide the wires to well she found !
but definitly possible give a little more info for more help.


Active Member
yeah, that was possibly too many questions. I want you to get started in the right direction, but you have to read a little more bro.

The more you read the more prepared you will be. This is a serious matter and I want you to be safe.
ive grown outside before, i just dont have a clue how to grow indoors and have a good setup, im just looking for a good setup to use. any ideas? atleast tell me the light/watt ratio i need per plant.. should i use cfl's or tube lights?


Active Member
CFL vs Light Tube:

CFL. Get some wings and a couple feliz 125w or 250w.
or go to home depot and get some 42w and 68w. create your own special array.