Growing in a Toy Chest?

I have a 34 inch wide, 14 inch high, and 12 inch deep toy chest in my closet. Im going to try to grow in it using a generic fluorescent light bulb. I have lined the whole inside with aluminum foil. Obviously I have some height constraints and im worried about the air flow into the chest. Ill probably crack the top a bit and put a little fan inside the chest. Will this cool the chest enough and create enough circulation? I was wondering if it is possible to grow my plants in more of a bush form rather then have then grow vertically. Is this possible? What if I put the light off to the side will the plant grow towards the light horizontally? Obviously I am new at this, any help is appreciated. Thanks


Active Member
Can some one awnser this question for this dude? Cause i would kinda like to know the same thing. Because I either have a choice between a 20$ case thats about the same exact size of his ''toy chest''. Or i can got for a 70 dollar cab thats more than twice the size.


Well-Known Member
i doubt that is enough room. and take that foil off. u will burn ur plants! paint it white if u have to.

if ur gonna put a fan and extract in there id suggest cutting the side and putting an extract fan in. a couple pc fans should do along with a desk fan or something in there to keep the air moving.

u can put the lights anywhere u want. generally they will grow towards to light but not always the case. id just leave em on top of the plants for now till they get bigger.


You could grow in there but it would be a really small plant ive grown in a 1 and a half foot tall trunk before

New Grower 420

Active Member
LST the plant and you should be abile to grow a sizeable plant in the chest and as far as the light i duno if it alone will cut it you might need more.